Future Trends Financial Firm on key concepts  of emerging markets: Define and describe common industry concepts including:  institutional voids, business groups, technological capabilities,  changing income distribution, and bottom of the pyramid

One of the best ways to learn a concept is to teach a concept, and in  this assignment it will be necessary for the learner to understand and  explain the concepts from Modules 1 and 2 in  a 4-5 page word document.

Factors Contributing to an Emerging Market

There are a few variables that have influenced EMs. They are:

Significant market potential.

Ongoing financing in infrastructure expansion

Professional counseling and

The advancement of technology 

Such as the risks of EMs. Evans (2010) provides a list of the major risks:


You have been asked to create a 4-5 page word document to train a  group of new employees for Future Trends Financial Firm on key concepts  of emerging markets. Include the following in your assignment:

Develop a 4-5 page word document, utilizing at  least two scholarly sources. Apply APA standards to the citation of  sources. Use the following file naming convention:  LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt.

Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner;  demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and  attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and  punctuation.

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