Read: Foundations of Business: “6.3 Organising”
Read this section for an overview of the types of organisational structures common in businesses.

Q2: Define organisational structure and identify five different forms that it can take. For each form, identify a type of company that might use it and explain why it would be appropriate for the company. Use examples other than those mentioned in the reading.


Read: Foundations of Business: “6.4 Directing”
Read this section for an overview of the different leadership styles common amongst managers.

Q3: Compare and contrast three forms of leadership – democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire. Which style would you prefer to use yourself? Which would you prefer your boss to use? Explain your answers in both cases.

Q4: Compare and contrast the transactional-leadership style with the transformational-leadership style. Which style would you adopt as a manager, and why?


Read: Foundations of Business: “Chapter 9 Introduction” and “9.1 What is Marketing?”
Read this section for a basic overview of marketing.


If you were developing a marketing campaign for the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company, what group of consumers would you target? What if you were marketing an iPod? What about time-shares (vacation ownership opportunities) on the Gold Coast?

Q8: For each of these products, identify at least five segmentation characteristics that you’d use in developing a profile for your customers. Explain the segmentation category into which each characteristic falls – demographic, geographic, behavioral, or psychographic. Where it’s appropriate, be sure to include at least one characteristic from each category.


Read: Foundations of Business: “Chapter 12 Introduction” and “12.1 The Role of Accounting”
Read these sections for an overview of accounting in business.


Q12: Who uses accounting information? What do they use it for, and why do they find it helpful? What problems would arise if they weren’t provided with accounting information?


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