Explore Specific Cases of Environmental Justice Case Study Assignment Paper Help

Explore Specific Cases of Environmental Justice Case Study Assignment Paper Help-Environmental Justice Case Study Due April 28th at Midnight on Canvas

we studied about many concepts and case before. Such as: Environmental Justic, Environmental racism, Ecological debt, environmentalism of the poor,water justice, land grabbing, resource caps, cancer villages(The radiation of uranium in south utah) and toxic colonialism. I prefer to chose the case about cancer villages in china or toxic colonialism which like the ship-breaking in global south.

6-7 pages double-spaced paper not including bibliography or a title page

The environmental justice project allows you to further your understanding of environmental justice, and explore specific cases of environmental justice globally, nationally, or locally. You will be required to research a specific case of environmental injustice. Under this module there are numerous links to interactive maps that locate environmental injustices and/or environmental movements nationally and globally. I encourage you to use these maps as a tool to locate the area you are interested in, and possibly find specific cases you would like to further research. However, you are not limited to these maps, and can choose any case study you like (past or present) except the Flint Water Crisis or Love Canal.


You are expected to provide a detailed description of the issue at hand.


The layout of your paper should look as followed:


A couple of paragraphs on the issue at hand. What’s the historical role of the actors?



What is the contested terrain? Are people protesting a facility? Is a company attempting to privatize a water source? Is there a cancer cluster?


Key Actors

Who are the key actors and what are the proposed grievances of each group?



In a chart form list some of the demographics of the region including ethnic populations, socio-economic status of the populations, education levels, and anything else you think is important to point out.



What are the different strategies the different actors are using? Are communities starting grassroots organizations? Are they hiring lawyers? Did they utilize the press? Are they using violence or protest? Are the corporations, government, or military addressing the community’s grievances?


What are the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies?



Have solutions been posed? If not, what are some recommendations that you might suggest?







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