explore the ethical decision-making process through considering the dynamics of a current ethical dilemma that you are facing.


Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant and adapted by Amanda Brovold, University of California, San Diego (2014)
The purpose of this seminar is to provide students a structured opportunity to learn from their experience, develop their ethical decision-making skills, and learn more about academic integrity and cheating at UCSD.
The participants in this seminar will:
• underlying ethical and moral principles of academic integrity
• the importance of academic integrity to all stakeholders (self, instructor, UCSD, and society)
• one’s own beliefs about “legitimate academic work” and how these align (or do not align) with academic integrity expectations at UCSD
• the contributing factors to academic misconduct on campus
• one’s personal experience—what led to the decision to act and what can be learned
• ethical decision making strategies and the resolution of “right versus right” dilemmas
• a personal goal statement/vision for engaging in academic work with integrity
• a strategic plan for addressing weaknesses that lead to integrity violations
• a list of ethical/honest solutions to common ethical dilemmas
The format of this seminar is structured to address individual student needs/unique situations while attending to larger/common organizational concerns with academic misconduct. Students have the opportunity to actively develop notions of ethics in relation to academic integrity by reflecting on ethical scenarios while connecting them to broader ethical conceptualizations. We will accomplish this through a one-on-one peer advisor consultation, four face-to-face class meetings, and out-of-class assignments, allowing student’s time for reflection and learning. Trained Peer Educators, along with the seminar instructor, will work with students in seminar, as well as be available to work one-on-one with students throughout the seminar experience according to the student’s individual needs and requests.
Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant, adapted by Amanda Brovold,
University of California, San Diego (2014)
In order for the seminar process to function well, the following rules and expectations must be respected and observed by all students, Peer Educators, and Instructors.
1. Punctuality. Respecting time boundaries is a key component of this seminar process. As meeting times are limited and schedules are precisely planned to maximize learning opportunities, it is expected that you be on time to all meetings.
2. No cell phones, laptops, or other communication devices should be on during seminar or one-on-one meetings. Staying present to other individuals and/or groups without external distraction is fundamental to ensuring that all members have the opportunity to learn from one another.
3. Confidentiality. Although individuals are not obligated to share personal information about themselves or their violation, the seminar is designed as a safe space wherein individuals can feel free to discuss information that is considered personal and/or private. Thus, by participating in this seminar, you may learn confidential and personal information about other students. Communicating such information in any way that it may be attributed to an individual is not permitted. However, you should feel free to share what you learn or insights you’ve gained.
4. Participation and Respect. All individuals, including students and the instructional team, have experiences and opinions that enrich learning in the seminar process. Each individual’s participation may vary; you are expected to participate as works for you in the seminar process through small group discussions, large group discussions, and one-on-one meetings. The goal is not to speak for the sake of speaking, but rather to enrich the learning process through consistent participation. You will find that if you are open to participation, you will feel activated to discuss various topics at various times in an instinctive manner. Participation also relies on the expectation of respect for others ideas, opinions, and values. Such respect may come in the form of sharing time in discussions for all individuals to speak, as well as listening and learning from differing viewpoints.
5. Meeting Deadlines. Seminar assignments are designed with the intent of reaching specific learning outcomes, wherein deadlines are set at key points within the seminar process. Time management and meeting all deadlines is required. If for any reason, you cannot meet a deadline, please immediately contact the instructor.
There are only two grades for this seminar— Pass or No Pass. You must receive a Pass in order to have fulfilled your obligations as agreed to with your Dean.
PASS attend all seminar meetings on time, and submit all assignments by the deadline and with clear thought & engagement, participate in the seminar activities and discussions, and meet all outlined seminar expectations and rules
NO PASS fail to do ANY of the above
Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant, adapted by Amanda Brovold,
University of California, San Diego (2014)
ASSIGNMENT #1 – Ethical Dilemma Case Assignment1
This assignment offers you the opportunity to explore the ethical decision-making process through considering the dynamics of a current ethical dilemma that you are facing.
This assignment has THREE DEADLINE DATES:
1. The PROPOSAL is due at our third seminar meeting (For exact date and time see the seminar schedule for your section). Instructions in the box below.
2. The DRAFT is due at our fourth seminar meeting (For exact date and time see the seminar schedule for your section) Instructions are in the box after step 6.
3. The FINAL is due after the final Seminar meeting (for exact date, see Schedule & Deadlines document) Instructions are in the box after step 12.
Step 1: Choose your Ethical Dilemmas
Think of 2 or 3 ethical dilemmas you are currently involved in (this is not about your integrity violation!). An ethical dilemma is a conflict between two “rights” (e.g., loyalty, honesty, trust, responsibility, respect, comfort, security, happiness, freedom) or two “interests” (e.g., self versus community; you versus me; personal versus professional). We all face multiple ethical dilemmas throughout our lives and there is no doubt that you are facing some right now! These may be short, immediate issues, or on-going, spread over years. They may be small or large.

If you are having trouble coming up with something, schedule a preliminary meeting with a peer educator to talk about ideas for you to write about.
The situation you choose should be one that is not easy to work through. You should not be sure what to do. The point is to get consultation on what you should do—if it isn’t difficult, it wouldn’t be a dilemma and you wouldn’t need consultation.
Step 2: Describe the circumstance surrounding each dilemma
• who is involved
• what are the contributing factors that lead up to the situation
1 This assignment was developed by Tricia Bertram Gallant, Ph.D. and adapted by Amanda Brovold. Sources are listed at the end of the assignment.
For the proposal you must complete steps 1 through 6 below. You do not have to write all of this out as a polished paper. It is ok to use notes and bullet points. The important thing is that to work through all of the information in a way that others can understand.
Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant, adapted by Amanda Brovold,
University of California, San Diego (2014)
Step 3: Describe each ethical dilemma.
• Why is it an ethical dilemma? Identify and discuss any conflicting interests, values, and/or principles involved.
• How would this situation be viewed by most people if they knew about it?
• What are you feeling when in this situation?
• Discuss any rules or behavioral standards that could be violated by taking one action or another.
Step 4: List possible options for resolving your ethical dilemmas.
• Think up as many choices for action that could reasonably work to resolve each situation.
Step 5: List the questions you want to ask that may help you navigate your ethical dilemmas.
• On what issues do you require consultation?
• Think beyond questions such as “what should I do?” they often serve to limit discussion.
• Rather, focus on questions that serve to uncover new perspectives and ways of navigating your dilemma (e.g. Do I have any “blind spots” when discussing this dilemma? What does this dilemma uncover about my values/perspective? What is your personal perspective on this issue and how does it differ to my own? Etc.).
• In order to prepare for an effective consultation, write down at least 5 questions.
Step 6: Bring 2 hard copies of this PROPOSAL to our 3rd seminar meeting (for exact date and time see the seminar schedule for your section).
• During the seminar, your peer educator and your discussion group will help you to think through your cases, answer your questions, and develop your ideas. This process will help you to decide which dilemma to write about and also help you to think more clearly and carefully about your situation.
After the third Seminar meeting, choose which Ethical Dilemma you will write about.
For the draft of your assignment (due in the fourth seminar meeting), you must:
1- Revise your work on steps 1 through 6.
a. Re-write them so that you are only talking about ONE ethical dilemma
b. Be sure that you have answered all parts of the prompt completely
2- Write a draft of steps 7 through 12. It is ok to use bullet points. This does not need to be a polished essay, but it should be complete and clear to your readers.
Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant, adapted by Amanda Brovold,
University of California, San Diego (2014)
Step 7: Review your Options
• Of all the options for action discussed, identify and discuss 2-3 that might be the “right” course of action. For each action, discuss the following:
o What would the possible consequences, both positive and negative, be and who might they impact?
o What values would this choice likely undermine or uphold? (E.g. honesty, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, or fairness)
o What rules, standards, codes of ethics, policies, and/or guidelines would the “right” choice uphold or violate?
Step 8:Identify and discuss the “right” course of action that you will take.
Include the following:
a. Reflect on and discuss what thoughts, interactions, and learnings have led you to your “right” course of action. Why do you believe it is the best option?
b. Describe what frustrations, challenges, or obstacles you foresee in choosing the “right” course of action. What actions can you take to mitigate them?
c. What reasons/motivations do you have for choosing the “right” course of action despite such obstacles?
Step 9: Identify and discuss 2 strengths that you have that relate to ethical decision-making and academic/professional integrity.
• For each strength, describe any foreseeable scenarios in which you plan to use your strength to uphold professional integrity.
Step 10: Identify and discuss 2 weaknesses that you have that relate to ethical decision-making and academic/professional integrity.
For each weakness:
a. Describe any foreseeable scenarios in which your weakness may contribute to preventing you from upholding professional integrity.
b. Identify and discuss at least one specific action that you plan to take to improve upon your weakness. For each action identified, how do you plan to measure/assess your improvement?
Step 11: What frustrations, challenges, or obstacles do you foresee that you could prevent you from upholding professional integrity in the future?
a. What can you do to mitigate them?
b. What specific motivation(s) do you have for doing your professional work with integrity even if presented with the opportunity to act unethically?
Step 12: Briefly discuss what professional integrity means to you.
• What are 2 things that you can do to help spread a culture of professional integrity?
Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant, adapted by Amanda Brovold,
University of California, San Diego (2014)
Sources used in crafting this assignment:
Johnson, C.E. (2007). Ethics in the workplace: Tools and tactics for organizational transformation. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Kidder, R. (1995). How good people make tough decisions: Resolving the dilemmas of ethical living. NY: Simon & Schuster.
Rest, J.R. (1986). Moral development: Advances in research and theory. New York: Praeger.
Instructions for the FINAL PRODUCT:
• The final of this assignment is to be submitted through TED on the course page for the AI Seminar. Find the link in the folder for your section.
• For exact due date, see Schedule & Deadlines document posted on TED.
• This assignment does not have to be completely narrated. Some steps are better expressed as bullet points (e.g., step 4 & 5) and you may keep them as such in your final draft.
• There is no maximum page limit for your case analysis, but if you wrote it in essay form, we suspect it will take you at least 2 pages, double-spaced, times new roman font (12) to accomplish the learning objectives. If you use bullet points, your assignment may be longer.
Academic Integrity Seminar created by Tricia Bertram Gallant, adapted by Amanda Brovold,
University of California, San Diego (2014)
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: 1) to provide you a structured opportunity to actively experiment with your new knowledge and understanding of academic integrity and, 2) to practice writing and talking about your academic integrity violation for such things as graduate and professional school applications.
First, consider applications you might be completing in the future which may require you to talk about your academic integrity violation (e.g., dental, medical, pharmacy, graduate school applications). Second, compose an essay that does the following four things:
1. Conveys 2-3 critical information points about your violation (i.e., what it was, what led to it, what happened/how it was resolved);
2. Includes a constructive analysis of the situation, paying particular attention to what you could have done differently;
3. Includes what you have learned as a result of the violation and participation in the AI Seminar and relate those learnings to your future (i.e., how it will make you a better doctor, dentist, accountant, or your profession of choice).
Note: Remember to be as specific as possible. It may help to incorporate a particular example of how you have already changed and connect it to how it will make you better in your chosen profession.
4. Articulates how your experience can actually benefit the employer/school to which you are applying (i.e., how will what you learned from this experience help your future school and/or profession?; what will your specific contribution be?).
Note: While you can’t predict the future, it is recommended that you continue to write as concretely as possible. It may help to think of examples of the most likely ways that your experience will assist your contributions to future academic and professional communities.
The Seminar Instructor will give you feedback should you ever want to actually modify this essay for use in the future.
FINAL PRODUCT NOTES: In order for you to facilitate your meeting of the specified learning objectives, the final submission of this Essay would have to be at least 500 words (much longer than an actual application essay might be), but you use as many words as you need to use to convey your learnings and yourself in a convincing and compelling way.

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