With the exception of 9/11, relate what you believe are the “three” most important events or moments in the history of terrorism

With the exception of 9/11, relate what you believe are the “three” most important events or moments in the history of terrorism. To be clear, “first” list – via numbers (1, 2, & 3) your three events or moments in history “prior to” explaining/justifying. Importantly, “then” explain and “justify” your reasoning for “each” selection. As this is a critical component, those that do not explain/justify will “not” receive credit. 

Use a proper APA in-text (in the body of your writing) citation and reference for “each” event/moment.


The response to each forum prompt must be a minimum of “500 words” in length (“excluding” the directions, questions, quotations, notes, or references). 

Forum Prompt Response/Classmate (instructor) Response General Information and Scoring Details: Essentially, the excellence of your effort is considered when grading your forum prompt responses and forum responses to classmates/instructor. It is critical that you ensure your forum prompt and forum responses to classmates/instructor are on time and meet the minimum lengths to avoid a loss of points. Although there are length minimums, your score is predicated on the quality of your thinking and writing – “not” the length of your writing. Excess verbiage is usually a sign of poor editing and too few words are a sign of poor analysis. Forum prompt responses must reflect some new or original information – do not just reiterate content or opinion posted by classmates.

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