Examinining Comparative Group Companies 

Step 1: Examine Comparator Group Companies 

Refer to the SEC Form DEF14A Annual Proxy Statement obtained during Unit 1, identifying the company’s comparator group.

  • Visit each of the companies’ Investor Relations Web sites. Download  and review copies of their most recent SEC Form DEF14A, Proxy Statement,  focusing on Compensation Philosophy, Executive Compensation, the Report  of the Compensation Committee, and compensation plans up for vote or  ratification by shareholders, if any.

Step 2: Library Research and Review of Comparator Group Companies

Using the Library databases below, review business research reports on the comparator companies.

  • http://careered.libguides.com/university_AIUOnline/companyresearch Business Source Complete (EBSCO): Business  Source Complete offers full text coverage in all disciplines of  business, including marketing, management, accounting, finance and  economics. Additional full text, non-journal content includes market  research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles  and SWOT analyses.

Media and Public Relations Databases

  • Using the Library databases below, search for stories and articles  on the company relating to strategic human resources topics (e.g.,  employee or labor relations, human capital management, compensation and  benefits, diversity, affirmative action, outsourcing, downsizing,  employment law matters, etc.) published in the last 12 months.
  • Newsstand (Proquest): Proquest Newsstand offers access to full text of over 1,300 newspapers. The collection includes national newspapers including.
  • Regional Business News (EBSCO): Regional Business News provides full text for more than 80 regional U.S. and Canadian business publications.

Step 3: Assessment of the Comparator Group Human Resources Posture

Based on analysis of information obtained in Steps 1–3, prepare a  professionally written report assessing the overall comparator group’s  human resources posture, suitable for presentation to the senior  executives of the company. Your report should present your assessment of  the human resources areas listed below. Based on analysis of information obtained in Steps 1–3, prepare a  professionally written report assessing the overall comparator group’s  human resources posture, suitable for presentation to the senior  executives of the company. Your report should present your assessment of  the human resources areas listed below. The body of the report should  be 8–10 pages excluding title, references page(s), and any appendices.

  • Benefits and Compensation
  • Business Leadership and Strategy
  • Diversity
  • Employee Relations
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Organizational and Employee Development
  • Talent Management
  • Technology
  • Best Practices in Human Resource Management
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