Examine the case study by applying one psychological theory of your choice pertinent to applied behavioral science-Examine the case study by applying one psychological theory of your choice pertinent to applied behavioral science

  • Identify and describe the potential source(s) and/or cause(s) of the issue that is/are relevant to the selected case study (e.g., genetic, environmental, social, cultural, organizational).
  • Examine the case study by applying one psychological theory of your choice pertinent to applied behavioral science.
  • Describe scientific research that is relevant to your selected case study. Include past and current findings and note any key changes.
  • Identify and describe any relevant trends in working with your intended population.
  • Detail a suggested plan of action, including advantages and disadvantages, for moving forward.
  • Specify what you would do to build rapport with the clients in the selected case study.
  • State ethical considerations that are relevant to this case.
  • You must end your paper with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis and include an examination of the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of utilizing at least one applied behavioral science intervention method to address the concerns in the scenario you selected.
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