Even if the world of Digital is disruptive, is communication on the social media platforms and social networks disruptive?

Even if the world of Digital is disruptive, is communication on the social media platforms and social networks disruptive? 

Subject Title – Description of the idea:


Even if the world of Digital is disruptive, is communication on the new platforms disruptive? Is the digital communication such as social media marketing, bloggers, lifestyle influencers following the same approaches as the classic communication?

What communication behaviors may facilitate the development of trust between clients and small firms when using social medias as a tool? Why is nowadays social medias and e-marketing considered by most as the 4th power?


The evolution of social media, and how present it is in Businesses today. What can a single click can do? How can you create an empire with a computer/smartphone and wifi?



Content overview:


Digital revolutionized the world. Uber is the biggest Taxis company, without owning a single one. It’s the example of disruptivity in the transport industry. Airbnb is the biggest Hotel company, without owning a single hotel. It’s the example of disruptivity in the hospitality feld. Facebook is the biggest media, without a single journalist. This is also an example of disruptivity in media industry.


Digital field is interesting and fascinating, especially in it’s disruptive dimension. Facebook is disruptive because social medias changed the way we communicate through conventional ways (Text messages, calls, post mails). There is an instant messaging, news are exchanged faster, and it gives the ability to be “on time’, never loose contact and shorten distance.


The biggest challenge of digitization is data. The GAFAs (Google Amazon Facebook Apple) don’t make us pay for the use of these networks, but in fact they get paid essentially throughout our data, that they gather freely. Billions of information feed their AI software.


A benchmark is a best international practice, a reference. For example in the individual transport of people Uber is a benchmark. In billing, American Express is a benchmark. I want to study in detail the digital benchmarks like Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Bla Bla Car … American Express is no longer innovative but remains a benchmark.


Disruptivity : opportunty for new players to come to the market.

Airbnb, is a new business arrived by  new people. It’s a new measury, new people coming here.





Rough plan of dissertation:


  1. Classic Paths of Communication




  1. New Paths




III. Opposition of both ways of communicating

  1. a) Case Study about Red Bull’s particular strategy





Tools and resources to use:


– Take a look at city library, its free and for the articles in scholar google as well.

– Look deeply at Christiensen’s work on disruptivity.

– A case study concerning buzz marketing

– Bad buzz

– Look at the pyramid of communication and study it

– What is so special about the communication strategy of Redbull?

















“Disruptive Innovation: The Christensen’s Collection (The Innovator’s Dilemma…)” by Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Raynor, Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen

“Likeable Social Media” by Dave Kerpen

“Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk

“Audience: Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans & Followers” by Jeffrey Rohrs

“Epic Content Marketing” by Joe Pulizzi

“Everybody Writes” by Ann Handley

“The Art of Social Media” by Guy Kawasaki & Peg Fitzpatrick

“Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is About Help Not Hype” by Jay Baer

“The Power of Visual Storytelling” by Ekaterina Walter & Jessica Gioglio

“Social Media Explained” by Mark W. Schaefer

“Optimize” by Lee Odden

“How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

“No Bullshit Social Media” by Jason Falls & Erik Deckers

“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

“Social Media: A Critical Introduction” by Christian Fuchs

“Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach” by Melissa Barker, Donald I Barker

“The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to use Social Media, Online Video…”  by David Meeman Scott

“Social Media Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics” by Jeremy Harry Lipschultz

“The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way To Build Credibility…” by Shama Hyder

“E-Marketing” by Judy Strauss, Frost Raymond D.

“Leading Digital: Turnich Technology into Business Transformation” by Georges Westermann, Didier Bonnet, Andrew McAffee

“Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms The Way We Live and Do Business” by Eric Qualman

“Social media marketing: The next generation of business engagement”  by Evans D.

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