Etiology theories-Describe relevant prevention, intervention, and treatment specific to your criminal behavior.

In this assignment, you will build upon the assignment completed in M1 Assignment 3. This assignment is a 5- to 7-page draft of your final project, which is due in Module 5. You will want to start developing some of the key components of that paper. You will need to further refine, add content to, and polish this draft in order for it to meet the final requirements in Module 5, which is a 10- to 15-page final draft. This draft will need to be in APA format, which includes a title page and a reference page; however, no abstract is needed. On the reference page, please include a list of the ten sources you plan to use in the final draft, although you may not need to use all of them for this draft.

For this assignment, you will need to include a brief summary of what you will elaborate on in the final draft and:

Describe your selected criminal behavior.

Maximum Points

Submitted a logically drafted report, including the following components:

• Description of criminal behavior

  • Discussion of etiology theories
  • Discussion of prevention, intervention, and treatment implications
  • Ten scholarly sources 88

spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

This is the papaer you will work off of



The criminal behavior that the paper will in an in-depth analysis examine is the crime of Burglary. Simply put, Burglary is the act of unlawfully entering into a structure, with the intent of committing any crime inside. The break does not have to be physical; the offender may in other cases trespass through an open door and at will. Subsequently, this is contrary to a robbery which involves the use of force when breaking into someone’s property, in Burglary, there is normally no victim involved. A relevant example includes when Dan breaks into Frank’s house with the intention to steal his laptop but finds the laptop missing, he leaves without taking anything else and returns home. Though Dan steals nothing, he is automatically guilty of burglary. The crime of burglary has been around for a very long time. Its roots can be traced from under the common law, but each state defines the idea of burglary in a customized way, meaning, the definition differs from state to state. Burglary technically developed to protect a person’s interest in their private homes and also to prevent violence and not to protect against what can be classified as theft. In simple words, burglary is used to safeguard the sanity of an individual’s home as well as to protect against potential violence that could arise from the situation.

Several people do not understand the concept of Burglary and how one can be protected from it under the law. In relation, the specific target area that I intend to cover is the elements of a Burglary that qualifies it to be a criminal act in the eyes of the law (Eck & Weisburd, 2015). Majority of the states in the U.S use the Model Penal Code to derive some basic qualities that define the criminal act. Therefore, the three basic elements will be derived from the Model Penal Code. The three elements include; unauthorized breaking and entry (constructive or actual), into an occupied building, with the sole purpose of committing a crime inside the structure.

The risk factors and etiology theories associated with burglary

Some of the key risk factors associated with urban residential burglary include, social disorganization, proximity to pawn shops, time of the day, proximity to public housing units, proximity to bus stops, the day of the week and the proximity of police stations, fire stations or hospitals. Burglary technically affects many families, so the specific target group includes families and business property holders (Hockey, 2016). However, from a more general perspective, there are the top ten highest risk burglary cities in the US according to statistics released by the FBI, and hence these cities can be a very significant specific group. The cities with the highest burglary rates include; Fayetteville- NC, Toledo- OH, Flint- MI, Little Rock- AR, Memphis- TN, Bakersfield- CA, Columbus- GA and Winston- Salem, NC.

On the other hand, the etiology theory that can be used to explain the motive behind crimes such as burglary include the rational choice theory. The theory is basically is a subset of the classical theory and its primary ideology is before a person commits a crime, he or she has to think about what he or she will do. In connection, the pros and cons have to be weighed before the criminal act. Subsequently, the rational choice theory is well positioned for the causation of burglary. It is true to argue that burglars do not simply commit the crime for the sake of it but because they need the money to keep their heads above water (Bowers & Johnson, 2017).

Proposed burglary prevention ideas include making the crime difficult for burglars. Consequently, this is one of the best strategies because burglars will not find it favorable when they spend too much effort and time breaking into a home. In relation, it is vital for an at-risk person to make his or her home difficult to break into. Subsequently, this can be achieved by installing deadbolts on all entry doors, jams on windows and using patio doors. Also, it is important to keep the outside space of a home clutter free so that burglars or any other intruders cannot hide behind any object.

On the other hand, technological advancements can also be used to curb the crime rates. For example, home security systems are a good and an affordable way for an average homeowner to keep burglars away. Credible companies that provide such services include Alarm Force, ADT, and CPI. Installing home security systems is rapidly becoming an important factor because recent research findings suggest that homes with no security systems are 2.5 more likely to be targets of burglars.


Bowers, K., & Johnson, S. D. (2017). Burglary prevention in practice. Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 319.

Eck, J. E., & Weisburd, D. L. (2015). Crime places in crime theory.

Hockey, D. (2016). Burglary crime scene rationality of a select group of non-apprehend burglars. SAGE Open6(2), 2158244016640589.

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