ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY-Role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs. [Think about the power of words. Often, fewer (not more) words are more powerful. Spend seven minutes editing for concision only: which words can be removed, and do they make the passage stronger or weaker?]




Ethics and social Responsibility

Elvis Seumanu


Thane Messinger

February 08, 2018

Ethics and Social Responsibility


Business ethics in any organization can be seen as the acceptable way of doing things [“thing” is a weak usage; what is the essence of the thought here? Can it be rephrased more strongly?] to enable good relations between the business and other stakeholders that form the business. Therefore, business ethics can refer to the set organization practices and principles that govern and shape people in an organization. Any organization should do business in a manner considered ethical and socially responsible. Strategic plans made by managers should consider all the relevant stakeholder’s needs. It’s done to avoid any negative effect on the stakeholders by adhering to all the ethical standards (Aguinis & Glavas, 2012). Business managers, therefore, have a role in striking a balance between the organization’s stakeholders plan and the set ethical and social responsibilities through the development of preventive actions.

[The opening passages, aside from being important in setting forth the thesis statement, is also important stylistically and emotionally. This is valuable real estate. How can this be phrased to bring the reader in?]

Role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs. [Think about the power of words. Often, fewer (not more) words are more powerful. Spend seven minutes editing for concision only: which words can be removed, and do they make the passage stronger or weaker?]

Business ethics in any organization help in creating a positive image of the corporation in the environment and therefore the organization reaps off benefits by attracting a large number of people into the organization. [Awkward phrasing here.] Moreover, most organizations perceive business ethics and social responsibilities as a way of evading being contrary to the law in their day-to-day activities. This if not observed may result in civil lawsuits which greatly damage the image of the organization.

Organizations with business ethics can develop trust and a sense of belonging to all the involved stakeholders. The trust can be used to in the present business dealings as well as the future business-related activities. Accountable business ethics also enables an organization with risk management related to the organization, compliance issues in an organization and image development in the organization. It enables an organization to create a sense of belonging in an environment by defining its vision and mission and its future goals and objectives to all the relevant stakeholders.

Businesses should not deal with activities that can result to the suffering of the community for the mere fact of earning higher profits by evading practices that may endanger the security, confidentiality and other freedoms.

[Again, be careful with proofreading.]

Overstepping ethical boundaries

According to Ray’s machinery, they had [Again, awkward phrasing.] an ethical violation where some rogue employees were instructed to offer bribes to Japanese officials. The main aim of the bribes was to motivate the Japanese official to raise prices on certain machines imported in the country. The attempt by Rays Machineries, which is a highly profitable company and derives more than 6% of its revenue from the Japanese market was trying to raise their prices to their customers. The move to bribe the Japanese officials was highly motivated by personal greed of the managers to gain a financial advantage in the region.

Preventative measures

In order to avoid ethical violations, the organization needs to have a strong code of ethics that is well incorporated into an organization’s corporate values. All the employees of the organization should enjoy and have benefits good actions. Employees should not be given much pressure to meet the set financial targets to avoid overstepping the boundaries. Organizations should judge and measure their employees on contributions which they make and are different from their job descriptions such as engaging in community work or volunteering in social activities (Hartman, DesJardins, et al., 2014). The activities might not lead directly to the organizational goals, but they help in creating good relations with the community. If ethical violations occur in an organization, the management is supposed to take actions on the offenders by way of disciplining them. Continuous disciplinary actions against employees who violate these ethics without preferring some people or basing judgment on their job title should be done. The actions will result in all employees of the organization to be answerable of their own actions and help the organization to be in line with its code of ethics from top management to the lowest level of management.


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2012). What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda. Journal of management38(4), 932-968.

Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., & MacDonald, C. (2014). Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Technical: Be careful with proofreading and editing, noted above. 1.4/2.

Structure: Generally good, but think about the basic structure of any paper: thesis, main points (topic sentences), supporting points (citations), technical details, and a deeper analysis. 0.75/1.

Analysis. Think about what’s really going on with the specific issue. The reason we look at a variety of sources is not merely to satisfy some academic curiosity, but to get the “story behind the story.” 3.75/4.

Thus, 5.9/7. +0.25 for overall effect.

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