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HSV 400 Ethical and Legal Issues in Human Services
Introduction and Background Information Assignment
For this assignment, you are expected to submit your introduction and the background information on the controversy surrounding the topic you have chosen for your Written Assignment. Please be sure to address all views on the topic and how it would relate to your work in the human services field. The assignment should be at least 3-5 pages in length and include in-text citations and a full reference list. This assignment is intended to keep you on track for the Written Assignment and also provide you an opportunity for feedback on the assignment before the final submission is due in Unit 7. The grading rubric will be included in the Unit 4 assignment information.
Criteria 16-20 points 11-15 points 0-10 points
Introduction Discussion of the ethical issue being addressed
20 points
Outline of the ethical topic is
clear; Ideas are appropriate
and clearly highlight the
Outline of the ethical issue
is inadequate; Ideas are
inadequate or do not relate
to selected topic.
Information about the ethical
issue is not acceptable;
Directions were ignored and
information about the topic was
not addressed.
Background Information
Discussion of the
controversy and different perspectives of the ethical
issue being addressed
20 points
Outline of the controversy
behind the ethical issue is
clear; Ideas are appropriate
and clearly highlight the
controversy surrounding the
selected topic.
Outline of the controversy
does not do an adequate job
of addressing the topic;
Ideas are weakly supported
or unclear.
Information presented is not
acceptable; Directions were
ignored and background
information about the topic was
not addressed.
Mechanics, Grammar and
Writing is free from error
and in proper format
20 points
Virtually free from
grammatical, punctuation, and
spelling errors; All
of the assignment
requirements were met
Some significant
errors are present, but the
overall meaning is clear;
about half of the
assignment requirements
were met
Errors distract
the reader, to the
extent the meaning is unclear;
the assignment requirements
were not met
Source Selection
At least two scholarly
sources were referenced in
proper APA format.
20 points
Sources chosen are highly
relevant to the topic; Sources
add greatly to discussion; few,
if any additional sources
Some sources chosen are
relevant to the topic;
Requires additional sources
to complete the research
Sources are not relevant to
researcher’s topic; Sources
require extensive additional
Assignment Criteria
Length requirements met,
references included
20 points
Each source has a proper
citation; In-text citations are
included where needed, the
length requirement was met
Some sources have proper
citation; Some in-text
citations are included; The
assignment was just short of
the length expectation
Very few sources
have a proper citation; Very few
in-text citations are complete;
The length requirement was not
HSV400 Ethical and Legal Issues in Human Services
Introduction and Background Information Assignment