Essay Writing-Evaluate the following statement: Although the Christian understanding of God depends upon revelation and faith, parts of the Christian idea of the divine nature are supplied by reason alone.

Essay Writing-Evaluate the following statement: Although the Christian understanding of God depends upon revelation and faith, parts of the Christian idea of the divine nature are supplied by reason alone.

Evaluate the following statement: Although the Christian understanding of God depends upon revelation and faith, parts of the Christian idea of the divine nature are supplied by reason alone.

Very good introduction that includes a clear thesis statement. However, the submission focuses far too much on a   discussion about the pottery procedure and technique       –although it does mention m black- and red-figure technique — rather than analyzing specific objects in the Lowe and comparing them to pieces discussed in lecture and/or the textbook per the written directions uploaded into Blackboard and verbally discussed during administrative announcements in lecture  Also, the analysis extended into a discussion about Roman    art, which is beyond the scope of this assignment. Good conclusion.

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