Essay Writing-critique of your gallery pieces and explaining how and if they fit into each of the art criticism theories discussed in this course.

Essay Writing-critique of your gallery pieces and explaining how and if they fit into each of the art criticism theories discussed in this course.

For this segment, you will be adding a critique of your gallery pieces and explaining how and if they fit into each of the art criticism theories discussed in this course.

 Begin by reviewing your Unit IV feedback and making any necessary revisions.

 Next, research the three art criticism theories listed in Chapter 5 of your textbook and the Unit V Lesson. Be sure to use APA format.

 Use the template slides labeled “Art Criticism Theories.

 Complete three slides, one for each of the art criticism theories: formal, contextual, and expressive For each slide, address the following:

 Describe the art criticism theory.

 Tell why you feel this theory is the best fit for the artwork.

 Tell how the theory explains one of your gallery artworks.

 Explain how the purpose and structure of the work relate to this theory. ART 1301, Art Appreciation

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