Essay Writing – Conflict resolution
- Your team has been assigned the task of sharing a model to help understand conflict styles. As team leader, describe the Kilmann Thomas’s Managerial Grid model to your team.
- Your manager has requested you to assist with training on work relationships. Describe the four types of work relationships and a real-life scenario to illustrate each type of relationship. With manager, with co-workers, with those you lead, and with different conflict styles.
- After learning there is a conflict within your team, you have decided to do a mini-training lunch session to provide conflict management resources. .
- You have been asked to assist a coworker with a conflict issue. What are two ways you could assist your coworker with learning how to manage the current relational conflict?
The reference books are: Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2016). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
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