Essay Narrative 1

Essay Narrative 1

The paper will essentially be a story that you will tell about a character. It may be a biography of someone you know (Grandma!), famous person (Michael Jackson!), a cartoon (Scooby-do!) completely fictional character that you make up, or an amalgamation. In each paper, you will construct a narrative or story about your character demonstrating the character’s developmental period.

For each paper, you will write a section of the biography and incorporate developmental concepts or theories. The paper is to be arranged chronologically through the developmental periods, and each developmental period is broken down into physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. For each developmental period, you must incorporate a physical, cognitive, and socioemotional concept/theory.

The paper must be in 12-point Roman front, double-spaced and with one-inch margins.

There are 2 developmental periods, each period with 3 topics to cover, roughly about a page for each topic. Making it 6 pages in total.

Be sure to use APA format (cover page, in text citation and reference page)


Papers should include individual paragraphs based on the following headings:

· Introduction– An introductory paragraph introduces the reader to the topic of your paper and states the thesis of the research. For the purpose of this assignment, the introductory paragraph should describe the research topic presented within the selected article as well as the main points discussed throughout the article.

· Rationale– Trace the logical reasons for this research based upon the findings of previous research. In other words, what prior findings discussed in the selected article led the researchers to the current experiment? For example, if researchers wanted to do a study about a new medication to be given to children, then part of the rationale (e.g. reasoning) might be that no one has researched the medication on children before. Another possibility could be that the medications currently used with children have been found to have serious side effects.

· Methods– Describe the subjects, procedures, and measurement tools used in the study.

· Results– What were the findings of the researchers? Although you are not expected to interpret advanced statistics, it is reasonable that you understand the summative statements in the section.

· Discussion/Conclusion– What does the experimental evidence add to the existing knowledge? How did the authors critique their own research?

· Critical Thinking– In what ways do the research findings fit with the content you have learned in Human Growth and Development? How might the evidence impact people during their lives? How does this research apply to diversity (e.g., age, gender, race, ethnicity, and/or religion)?

Papers should include a reference page with the article citation.

Your paper should be written in American Psychological Association (APA) format. It is not necessary to write an abstract for this assignment. You may access the APA Style Lite for College Papers at


1. Be sure that your paper includes at least six paragraphs identifying each of the research elements noted above.

1. Remember the rules for quotation and citation!

1. You may not use quotes for more than 20% of your paper.

1. Please spell and grammar check your papers.

1. Proofread your paper to insure your sentences make sense.


This option MUST include active hyperlinks within your listed references. The title page must NOT include your name, or your instructor’s name, but should include your student ID course number and section along with the other required APA elements (e.g., page header, page number, title of your paper, course name).

Paper #1 –

Developmental Period Physical Theory/Concept Cognitive Theory/Concept Socioemotional Theory/Concept


Developmental Period Physical Theory/Concept Cognitive Theory/Concept Socioemotional Theory/Concept
Early Adulthood Binge drinking Career Cohabitation

Grading is based on the following rubric.

Points Earned for Section Points Possible for Section
Content: Your biography covers the assigned units and appropriate concepts/theories for those units 20
Explanations: Concepts and examples are clearly explained in your own words; you demonstrate your understanding of the concepts/theories through appropriate application. YOU MUST INCLUDE SPECIFIC TEXTBOOK TOPICS, TERMS & CONCEPTS! 30
Organization: Your biography is organized in a way that makes sense and includes logical transitions 20
Mechanics: spelling, grammar, and punctuation do not affect readability of the project 20
APA Format: Cover page, In-text Citations and reference page. 10
Total 100
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