Essay Help – PowerPoint Presentation for Vendors

Essay Help – PowerPoint Presentation for Vendors

The PowerPoint Presentation is the training tool that will be used to educate and persuade vendors to want to be involved in this type of program.

The presentation is to be developed and ready to present to vendors. Please review “How to make a power point presentation” prior to developing your presentation. This will provide helpful tips and hints which can then be reflected in your grade. It should include the following:

  • A brief education for the vendor about the chronic disease. Be prepared to include some type of “sales pitch” to the vendor in this presentation. Part of your job is to make them want to change or adjust their offerings.
  • An outline recommending food alternatives. This section should be complete with recipes, healthy substitutions, and any other information that may entice the vendor enough to include these offerings.
  • Provide the vendor with three healthy substitutions to include on their menu from which consumers can choose.


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