Essay Help Online: what freedoms of action do individuals have to govern their own affairs?

Essay Help Online: what freedoms of action do individuals have to govern their own affairs?

“Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: William the Conqueror”

1-What were Williams’s principal faults and virtues? How did they support or detract from one another?

2-How well had William established peace after conquering England? Give specific examples to support your position?

“Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan”

1-How does Hobbes characterize human existence without the peace and order afforded by a ruler vested with absolute authority?

2-What is Hobbes’s view of religious or divine justifications for absolute power?

3-Having placed themselves under the sovereign power of a ruler, what freedoms of action do individuals have to govern their own affairs?

4-What options, according to Hobbes, do a sovereign’s subjects have in the event that he abuses his power?

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