Essay Help Online: Profitability versus Growth Strategies-Does the strategy build on current competencies and foster horizontal relationships among brands


Essay Help Online: Profitability versus Growth Strategies-Does the strategy build on current competencies and foster horizontal relationships among brands

You will want to pay special attention to exploring vertical integration, strategic alliances, and the internal growth of new brands entering new geographic markets, and/or additional acquisitions.

Consider the following:

· Is Harley-Davidson, Inc., (H-D) competing in the right businesses, given the opportunities and threats present in the external environment? If not, how can H-D realign its diversification strategy to achieve a competitive advantage?  This may include additional diversification to take advantage of opportunities such as further vertical integration

· Is the corporation managing its portfolio in a way that creates synergy among its businesses? If so, what additional businesses should it consider adding to its portfolio?

After you have reviewed the growth and profitability strategies, create a list of possible strategies to present a full range of ideas.

include your complete list—all potential ideas—for the senior vice president. This is your chance to be creative.

Next, rank your ideas from best to worst. To do this, keep in mind several things such as fit with current strategy, resources and capabilities, and difficulty of execution.

For each of your top five ideas, add the following:

· Briefly describe the strategy.

· Why you picked it as one of the top five.

Think about such things as:

· Does the strategy build on current competencies and foster horizontal relationships among brands? In other words, what can be leveraged or shared? What are the pros and cons of this strategy?

also do the following

·  Identification of size, scope, target market, services, amenities, and points of differentiation.

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