Essay Help Online: How does experiencing trauma affect a person’s life?


Answer the following questions in essay format. For additional details, see the Case Assignment directions below.

1. How does experiencing trauma affect a person’s life?

2. Describe the term epigenetics. How does stress play a role in epigenetics?

3. Describe an event in history that could have caused stress-related changes to the next generation (some examples include the Holocaust, 9-11 terrorist attack, the Dutch famine of 1944). Include the disorders these children experienced (such as anxiety, depression, mental disorders, etc).

4. Why might it be helpful to know how children will be affected by trauma their parents experienced?

5. What kinds of events going on in the world right now could be producing similar effects in future generations?

Assignment Expectations

Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Effects of Trauma.

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