Essay Help Online: Constructions of racial and ethnic difference through practical and stylistic choices

Essay Help Online: Constructions of racial and ethnic difference through practical and stylistic choices

This course primarily examined two modes of encounter: one examined race (the encounter between the so-called West and the non-West, largely construed as the relationship between whites and Asians) and the other, ethnicity (the tensions and symbioses arising out of interregional encounters between Manchus and Han Chinese, Koreans and Japanese, as well as Japanese and Okinawans/Ainus). Much of the material discussed during this course asked how constructs of race and ethnicity are produced in and by visual representation. Drawing parallels between conditions in one country and another, please discuss at least three artworks that address these modes of the encounter. Artworks may address the same mode of an encounter; or may be placed in contradistinction, or you may want to consider how individual artists questioned dominant constructions of racial and ethnic difference through practical and stylistic choices. Be clear in each instance how stylistic choices reflected artistic perspectives.

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