Essay Help Online: Assess effectiveness in listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation.

Essay Help Online: Assess effectiveness in listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation.

Performance reviews can be a difficult experience for anyone to go through. In this assignment, you will recall a performance review or a performance-related discussion that you experienced at work. You will critically analyze that experience, focusing on the verbal communication, effective listening, and conflict resolution aspects of the experience.  Tasks:  For this assignment, you are to reflect on a time when you had a performance review or any sort of work-related performance discussion with your manager. T 1.Describe your experience regarding the performance discussion. 2. Explain proven and effective ways to listen appropriately, resolve conflict, and negotiate. 3.Assess yourself on your effectiveness. 4. Assess yourself on your effectiveness in listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation. 5. Identify two to three areas of improvement in any category. 6.Create a plan for developing yourself in those areas. The plan may include:

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