Essay Help-Examine the impacts of actual and suspected threats.

Essay Help-Examine the impacts of actual and suspected threats.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the critical infrastructure protection standards that were in place (if any) at the time of your chosen scenario.

Evaluate the effectiveness of critical infrastructure protection standards in place today in terms of your chosen scenario.

Develop appropriate standards for protection of this critical infrastructure sector in the future. Justify your recommendations for the standards you developed for the future protection of this critical infrastructure sector.

Examine the impacts of actual and suspected threats. Analyze how actual and suspected hazards impact public policy and critical infrastructure protection within your chosen scenario.

Analyze the recognition of real and perceived threats and the management of risk. Assess the process for sharing information between communities and agencies, the collaboration of resources, and the management of risk.

Explain how the media influenced agency operations at the time within your scenario. Recommend how the media could be used to positively influence the outcome of the situation.

Evaluate the ethical and legal issues of risk assessment and management. Assess the ethical implications of the actions taken to manage the risks.

Determine the legal issues and policies associated with risk assessment. Create appropriate recommendations for implementing the ethical and legal issues determined to be most effective in your risk assessment.

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