Please answer the following questions.
- a) What is equality in Satz’s mind? If you would like to narrow the focus, I would look mostly at section “III. Adequacy.” Write no more than a sentence or two here and begin with phrasing like, “For Satz, equality is…” b) How does this conception map onto what Taylor OR Nussbaum have to say (just consider one of these authors). If you prefer to look into Taylor, I would concentrate on two things: Taylor’s brief discussion of Dworkin—i.e. the “procedural” and “substantive” commitments of liberal society; and the discussion of “rights-liberalism.” If you focus instead on Nussbaum, I would concentrate on what she has to say from page 8, “Our campuses are producing citizens…,” to the end of the reading. Write around 120 words. Make sure you answer both questions a) and b) and also make sure you follow the instructions.
Use the file I uploaded: “Satz Citizenship” “Talor politics of recognition copy” “Nussbaum Cultivating Humanity”
- Bring at least one of the other readings from the race, gender, or disability units into the discussion. a) How would you characterize the notion of equality at work in the piece you have chosen? Again, write just a sentence or two and begin with phrasing like that above, “For x-author, equality is…” b) How does this notion of equality fit into the picture of Satz and Taylor/Nussbaum. you have generated above? Write between 70 words. Make sure you answer both questions a) and b) and also make sure you follow the instructions.
Use the file I uploaded: “Blickenstaff Leaky Pipeline” or “Ringrose Successful Girls”
- In Wednesday’s class, we were trying to connect notions of equality to one of our operative notions of the good life—i.e. Frankenna’s suggestion that the good life is marked by two things: a moral component and a life-satisfaction component. In general, what role does equality have in the production of the good life? Does equality make us good people (moral)? Do the notions of equality that you have highlighted above stress economic matters or identity (life satisfaction)? Write around 120 words. Again, make sure you speak to each of the questions.
- Recall from our discussion of white privilege that anti-racist projects will only be effective to the extent that their focus is action on structures. Satz seems to agree, in general, with this structural strategy in the basis for her suggestion that an adequacy orientation is superior to one exclusively concerned with equality of opportunity—“A key strength of the adequacy perspective is its potential to bypass the usual focus on allocating money and other divisible resources and to focus directly on the institutional structures of education” (626). What are these institutional structures? And how do we act on them? One strategy for answering these questions is to go back to the white privilege discussion (McIntosh, Lensmire, and Margolin) and discover what structures and actions they focus on, and then compare Satz’s picture. If this doesn’t feel feasible, go back to Blickenstaff/Ringrose or Goering, and see what you can find there. In sum, offer a list of structures that you find in Satz and at least one other author and a parallel list of the kind of actions we should be taking on these structures.
Satz-“Satz Citizenship”
Mclntosh- “McIntosh White Privilege and Male Privilege”
Lesmire-“white privilege undermines antiracism”
Margolin-“ Margolin White Privilege Pedagogy”
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