entry-level job down at Wall Street

music analysis


0:04: (background music)

0:10: (Jim Keady) At the age of 18,

0:12: I was just on track. Go to a good college, get a decent degree, do good and

0:20: you’re going to get an entry-level job down at Wall Street.

0:22: You’re going to work real hard; you’re going to be a broker; you’re going to make tons of money;

you’re going to be retired, and

0:26: by a young age, you’re going to have a house on the beach in New Jersey and a

0:29: couple of Mercedes. And a

0:30: trophy wife, and that will be the end of the game.

0:32: I’m done—multi-millionaire—that’s it!

0:38: I was playing professionally for the New Jersey Imperials;

0:41: I was playing the best soccer my life.

0:51: (background music)

1:03: I get offered

1:04: this coaching job by one of my teammates to go coach at Saint John’s University,

1:08: the NCAA Division 1 national champions; they are the best team in the country.

1:12: I was having a blast. I was loving coaching; I was loving playing.

1:16: I’m living in New York. I’m also studying stuff that I really enjoy.

1:20: I’m digging into studying theology

1:22: for the first time in my life in a formal way.

1:26: I get online, I start doing searches about Nike and

1:29: sweatshops and labor practices. And what I found was,

1:33: if you wanted to pick a company that completely violates everything

1:37: the Catholic social teaching is about, Nike would be your perfect case study.

1:41: At the same time I’m doing this research, Saint John’s University Athletic Department

1:45: starts to negotiate a $3.5 million endorsement deal with Nike

1:49: that would require me, as a coach, to wear and promote the products.

1:52: Saint John’s University is the largest Catholic institution in the country,

1:56: coupling itself with the largest sportswear company in the world,

2:01: and I said “how can we, as such a public symbol of Catholicism,

2:07: do something that runs completely counter to our mission?”

2:11: We’re saying to the world, “Look,

2:14: you should care about the poor, and we should fight against injustice, and we

2:18: should seek out the causes of poverty,

2:20: well unless you’re getting some really good athletic equipment

2:23: and $3.5 million along with it.” I mean you want to talk about just

2:27: hypocrisy manifested

2:31: in the real world—this was it! (News broadcast- “And you have the story at Saint John,”

2:35: “Jim Keady has caused a massive pile up.” “He is clearly an idealist.”) I didn’t go to Saint

2:40: John’s University

2:41: to work for Nike; I went there to coach

2:44: and to study theology. (News broadcast: “Keady, a devout Catholic

2:48: protested, ‘How does he reach the point where he thinks it’s immoral to wear the swoosh?’

2:51: ‘Because he’s coming at it from a background of faith and religion;

2:55: this isn’t about

2:56: just money or power or a job or anything. Think about this,

2:59: how many of us on a job that we really want

3:02: are prepared to get a memo from the boss saying stop doing this or you’re out,

3:06: and you keep doing it?’”) I was given an ultimatum by my head coach,

3:09: wear Nike and drop this issue or resign,

3:13: end of story. So, in June of 1998, I was constructively fired.

3:24: People were telling me, “you don’t know what you’re talking about;” “you know, those are great

3:27: jobs, and you can live like a king or queen on those wages, and those people are

3:30: really happy to have those jobs.”

3:32: I want to go find out.

3:35: Doesn’t everybody just want to know the truth? So I wanted to know the truth

3:39: first hand. I wanted to see it. I wanted to smell it. I wanted to hold it in my hand.

3:49: I knew I was going to need other people,

3:50: Leslie was a natural match.

3:54: (Leslie Kretzu) Jim and I went to college together; we came together ultimately because

3:58: we share an interest in labor rights issues.

4:01: (Jim) I eventually met back up there a few years after school

4:05: through an email about sweatshops.

4:08: (Leslie) I really wanted to be working with these issues.

4:11: (Jim) I wrote to my buddy, and said “who is this woman that’s writing you about this stuff?”

4:15: And he said, “she’s nuts like you; you should email her.” She was actually in route

4:19: to go work with Mother Teresa’s sisters in India, and I sent her off this email.

4:23: “Hey, I’ve got this great idea; let’s go starve on Nike’s wages in Indonesia.”

4:26: (Leslie) And so he’s like, “I really need to go.” (Jim) And she wrote me back,

4:29: “sounds great.” (Leslie) Let’s go!

4:37: (Jim) We plopped down in Tangerang, Indonesia, this industrial suburb outside of the

4:42: capital of Jakarta,

4:43: with the plans that, for the next month, we were going to live

4:46: as Nike’s factory workers lived, which

4:49: meant that we were going to go live in a worker’s slum outside of the capital,

4:53: and we were going to live on the workers’ wages, a $1.25 a day,

4:57: for the next month. To try and come to a better understanding

5:01: of what it’s like for Nike factory workers

5:04: to make this kind of money and live under these conditions.

5:11: We lived in a 9 by 9 cement box.

5:15: It was over 100 degrees, 100% percent humidity, a small window, and certainly no air

5:20: conditioning.

5:21: (Leslie) No furniture, you slept on a very thin mat

5:24: on an uneven cement floor covered in shelf paper.

5:28: (Jim) The streets outside of your home

5:31: are lined by open sewers,

5:34: and what that means in the rainy season is you would have all that feces just

5:38: float up into the streets and into your house.

5:40: (Leslie) And every time that you go to the bathroom, it comes back out into the sewer for

5:44: everybody else to see and smell.

5:46: (Jim) You would have football size rats that would stampede over the ceiling at night

5:51: and come up through the toilet and look for stuff to eat in the house.

5:55: Or the fish size cock roaches that would crawl over you at night.

6:03: I’m Jim. Just like anyone

6:09: around the world, you can’t just drop into someone’s life and be like,

6:12: “hi we’re here; we want to live in your life, and tell us how much it sucks.”

6:16: You had to build bonds of trust.

6:19: Jim, nice to meet you.

6:26: (Leslie) They treated us very politely, and it wasn’t until they saw

6:30: that we were committed in

6:33: the capacity of living on the wages that they’re forced to live on,

6:37: in the conditions that they are living, that they felt that they could

6:41: start to begin to trust us. You get to know them, and you hold their children, and you

6:46: eat with them, and you share stories with them; they become part of your family.

6:51: (Jim) We would go to different workers homes,

6:53: you’ve got like four women sleeping in like an 8 by 8 cement box and

6:59: all of their possessions are in there.

7:00: Like, everything is in this small area.

7:03: (Leslie) The workers would have to share a bathroom with five to ten

7:09: other families. The workers would have to share living

7:13: quarters, actually like a row

7:16: of shacks with hard-hit tin roofs.

7:19: All those families would share a laundry

7:23: corner and a kitchen facility.

7:26: And they would all share the same well to take the water out of.

7:35: (Jim) A $1.25 a day after you’ve paid for your rent, water, electricity, and any major transportation


7:41: you’re going to be left on average

7:42: with roughly 7,000 Rupiah per day. What the hell does that mean?

7:49: That’s going to buy you two simple meals of rice and vegetables,

7:52: a bag of peanuts, a bottle of iced tea, and some dish detergent.

7:58: And that’s all you can get.

7:59: And that your reward?

8:02: (Leslie) Without a doubt, we found that out the first week that we were there, there’s no way that you

can live,

8:07: on a $1.25 a day and maintain your human dignity.

8:11: It’s just not possible.

8:18: (Jim) I lost 25 pounds living on Nike’s wages in Indonesia.

8:22: I spent the month painfully hungry and

8:25: tired, like near the point of exhaustion most days.

8:28: (Leslie) I just felt my energy storage was just

8:31: depleted, and I just started going downhill fast, and I just started getting sick every day.

8:38: (Jim) And she got very sick one day; she had like

8:40: a fever of 104, and she’s got to deal with “well,

8:44: I have a fever of 104; I can buy aspirin and like a little

8:47: drink box to get some vitamin C, but if I buy those two things

8:51: I don’t eat for the rest of the day.”

8:59: (Leslie) I don’t know what this is going to do, because we’re going to go home, and we’re going to


9:07: this is not enough money, and no one is going to do a damn thing different.

9:15: (Jim) How do you feel like a human being?

9:18: How do you feel about your work or your gifts?

9:23: You know, for them, the workers that I’ve talked to the last couple of days,

9:26: a number of them have said the only thing we have is our physical labor.

9:33: Because I just bought the smallest thing of shaving cream

9:36: and one razor that I might be able to use two or three times,

9:42: I have to cut out three meals this week.

10:08: (Leslie) They will be working overtime hours just to get by,

10:12: because they can’t possibly get by on the wage that they’re paid

10:16: without working incredible amounts of overtime.

10:21: And when you’re working up to 15 hours a day, six to seven days a week

10:25: your 2-year-old child just

10:28: doesn’t see you, you know. They don’t get to see their children.

10:32: (Jim) The kids can’t even go to school.

10:35: How are you going to break a cycle of poverty and have real economic development

10:39: if you have a whole lost generation of children that aren’t even

10:42: educated?

10:53: I’m walking down this dirt path into this village,

10:55: and I see this massive pile of scrap shoe rubber that I later learned came

11:00: from one of Nike’s factories.

11:02: And piles like that get dumped there all the time, and the end result of these

11:06: piles is that they get burned

11:08: in that village in the big open space where kids play.

11:11: And the burning fumes, I learned from the company that designs Nike shoe

11:16: rubber,

11:16: will give off toxins and carcinogens.

11:20: Kids are paying the price, and they’re the ones with chest infections, and

11:23: they’re the ones that are going to develop cancer.

11:32: When we were in Indonesia, we made attempts

11:34: to get into a Nike factory because Nike claims on their website, “we have nothing

11:39: to hide.”

11:40: (Male voice) I’m Mike.

11:41: (Nike employee) Hi, Mike.

11:42: (Male voice) How are you doing?

11:43: (Nike employee) Good,

11:44: We went over to Nike’s corporate offices,

11:45: and Nike denied us that.

11:49: (Nike employee) We’re unable to accommodate that request.

11:53: (Leslie) Nike headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon had faxed an info sheet out to all the

11:56: factories to be placed on the wall for all workers to see

12:00: that read, “if you are approached by Jim Keady, Leslie Kretzu, or Mike Pierantozzi,

12:03: do not speak to them. (Jim) They’re only to speak to management; there will

12:07: be severe consequences if you’re found talking to them.’

12:11: (Leslie) And they know from their management how they’re supposed to act, and if they don’t,

12:14: there are some severe ramifications.

12:16: Anywhere from significant harassment to

12:19: death, and I mean this in a very literal sense.

12:27: Certainly, management of the factory didn’t

12:30: want us to be there, and it was kinda frightening because several times we tried

12:34: to get into the factory.

12:35: (Jim) We weren’t out of the van for more than three minutes,

12:39: and there was security like surrounding us, and then the factory managers came out. “What’s

12:44: going on?”

12:45: We’re outside a Nike shoe factory right now; security is kind of surrounding us.

12:50: (Leslie) They’re like, “What are you doing here?

12:53: Why are you here?” It was frightening, you know,

12:56: because—who knows?

13:02: (Mike) Security guy here was tracking us down.

13:05: (Jim) From that moment, we were tailed by factory security

13:09: the prey men for the local mafia.

13:13: The local mafia certainly works in conjunction with these factory bosses.

13:18: The factory bosses—some of them—are just brutal, ruthless,

13:22: hired muscle to keep workers in line. We met with one worker, Julianto.

13:26: He told us because he was union organizing, he was trying to form an

13:30: independent union.

13:31: (Leslie) He was threatened at gunpoint; he had his house ransacked,

13:36: he was given death threats, and he had to flee back to his home village

13:40: because he feared for his life.

13:46: This is literally a life and death issue, and this happens at all the factories.

13:50: (Jim) Every worker that we talk to,

13:54: there’s this struggle with this fear—

13:57: this culture of fear that just permeates the air

14:01: that, yeah, they want to tell you the truth and try and fight for their rights,

14:06: but they also want the kids to have a father or a mother.

14:10: They’re dealing everyday with the threat of losing their lives for doing this kind

14:14: of work.

14:15: I mean, they showed tremendous courage in light of that.

14:20: We were able to meet with a woman by the name of Dita Sari who had been

14:24: organizing Nike and Reebok factory workers at the age of 23 and was illegally

14:29: jailed and put in prison and tortured.

14:31: (Dita Sari) On the 8th of July 1996, I was arrested by the army,

14:35: the local army, in East Jawa.

Commented [MS1]: Check word

14:39: They kicked me and they used their fists and their sticks.

14:43: And they were told to hurt me and to torture me in front of the workers

14:46: to show them an example.

14:51: (Leslie) I think the majority of workers were saying “look, we don’t want

14:55: you to pull out the jobs; we want to work.

14:59: We’d like to work; we want to make the shoes. We were proud of what

15:04: we do,

15:04: but we don’t want to be exploited.

15:07: Why can’t you just let us meet our basic needs?”

15:11: (Jim) We’re talking about food, clothing, housing, health care, education,

15:15: being able to take care of your kids, and some modest savings.

15:19: That’s not a tall order.

15:22: Excuse me, do you guys know where the Nike campus is?

15:26: (Jogger) Yeah, you make a right on Walker, and you’ll see it on your southwest corner.

15:30: (Jim) Okay, thanks.

15:34: Okay, so we’re on Nike’s campus right now; it’s a little bit different than the factories in Indonesia—

15:38: just a tiny bit.

15:41: (Leslie) Hi, how are you?

15:42: (Phil Knight) Hi, good to see you.

15:44: (Jim) Listen, umm, I was hoping to set some time where we could talk.

15:50: I’m really concerned about the workforce in Indonesia.

15:53: You know, I spent the summer living there, living with them, and living on the wages that are paid

to factory workers.

15:57: (Phil Knight) You’re worried about that?

15:58: (Jim) Yeah.

16:00: (Phil Knight) Ok, why don’t you call my secretary, and see what happens.

16:01: (Jim) I did. I called Lisa last week. I called Vada. I called Dusty. I called Brad Figel.

16:06: I called Amanda.

16:08: (Phil Knight) You’re going to have to talk to someone else; maybe you need to talk to Dusty Kidd.

16:10: (Jim) I mean, you’re the guy the buck stops with, right?

16:13: (Phil Knight) yeah, it doesn’t start with me though.

16:14: (Jim) No, but I mean, I don’t know who else to talk to.

16:15: (Phil Knight) Try Dusty Kidd.

16:17: (Jim) He doesn’t want to talk to me.

16:18: (Phil Knight) Well then, I guess you don’t get through then.

16:20: (Jim) But, you’re the man, I mean.

16:22: (Phil Knight) Thank you.

16:24: (Jim) You’re the man that needs to.

16:26: (Phil Knight) I appreciate your concern, but I’m having lunch with a friend,

16:29: and we’ve talked about it, and you’re..

16:30: (Jim) I apologize for interrupting your lunch. I mean, I’ve come all the way from New Jersey to talk

16:33: to you about this.

16:34: (Phil Knight) I’m not talking to you.

16:35: (Jim) I’ve gotten stonewalled at every turn; you know, the workers have asked for me

16:40: that I try bringing you back to Indonesia to meet them in their homes not, not in the office in


16:49: (Phil Knight) Do you understand no? You just got a no. I’m not going to talk to you about it.

16:56: (Jim) Phil Knight, the CEO of Nike,

16:58: or Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods or Mia Hamm or any of the other people that are

17:02: really making a lot of money because of the way that Nike does things

17:06: should care about these workers because they’re human beings.

17:16: (Leslie) When I see

17:17: people like Tiger Woods get a $100 million just for wearing the clothes,

17:21: we’re saying as a society, “like this one individual because [he or she] plays golf well and

17:26: is worth more than 700,000 people.”

17:41: (Jim) We made up these

17:42: wage charts and have them look down at it, and they look up and say,

17:47: “Tiger Woods makes enough in a second

17:50: to buy me a house. Why?

17:54: I work hard for the company too.”

18:00: What do you say to them?

18:01: “Well, hey, that’s the system. Deal with it.

18:05: Suck it up; it’s capitalism—survival of the fittest. I guess you’re not the fittest.”

18:13: Nike is in Indonesia for one reason—cheap labor.

18:17: (Leslie) It’s an ideology of maximizing profit at all costs—

18:21: to humanity and nature. And it’s this entire

18:24: vicious cycle that starts with the heads of

18:28: the corporations that want to make a great return on shareholders’ investment.

18:34: (Jim) Some people say, “well, hey, that’s the way things are; that’s the American way.

18:38: It’s capitalism; that’s the American way.” No, the American way is

18:41: democracy; that’s what our country was founded on.

18:44: A belief that all people are equal—that there should be a respect for

18:48: for democracy, for human rights, and for the protection of human life—that’s what we’re about as


18:53: We spent the last year and a half traveling around the country, visiting

18:59: over a hundred schools, high schools, and universities—

19:01: 15,000 students. So, how are you feeling about the turnout?

19:04: (Student 1) I’m feeling pretty good about the turnout.

19:05: (Jim) What were you thinking about the turnout here?

19:10: (Student 2) It’s great; this is the best possible turnout.

19:12: (Jim) And we try as best we can to

19:14: introduce them to these human beings.

19:17: And say, as students, as

19:20: high school athletes, college athletes, as consumers, you’ve got tremendous power.

19:25: And because we can’t fly them over to Indonesia, we can bring Indonesia to them.

19:30: And if we can give them that spark, even if it’s one or two

19:34: on that day, that’s going to multiply. And eventually,

19:38: we’ll reach this critical mass, and we’ll have a great harvest. And the harvest will

19:42: be truth,

19:43: and justice, and fairness for all people.

19:50: Something’s wrong here, and we can fix it; it’s a necessity.

19:55: (Leslie) The tipping point is now.

19:59: (Jim) At this point in our history, we need

20:00: a story like this to be told.

20:05: (background music)

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