ENGL200 – Advanced Composition Final Research Paper Guidelines

American University of Ras Al Khaimah


Fall 2017

ENGL200 – Advanced Composition

Final Research Paper Guidelines



The paper should be 8 to 10 pages long (2000 – 2500 words), and should be properly formatted (font size 12, double spacing, etc.). It should incorporate the instructor’s feedback on the working draft, and contain the following elements:

  • An abstract: It should describe your research in no more than 250 words. It should briefly introduce the topic, include the thesis statement or research question and summarize the findings. Please place this short paragraph in a separate page at the beginning of the paper, at about a third of the page down, and with the simple header “Abstract.”
  • An introduction: Up to 1 pa It should preferably contain an attention getter, an appropriate entry to the topic, and research question(s)/ research thesis.
  • The body (7 to 8 pages): It should present a well-structured and logically argued d It should synthesize multiple sources and support all points/arguments with credible source material. It should also demonstrate originality and critical thinking.
  • Conclusion (up to 1 page): It should restate the main points, come to logical conclusion from evidence, give answer(s) to the research question(s), and make final comment(s). The final comment(s) could refer to suggestions for further investigation, comments about the significance of the research, reference to attention getter in introduction,
  • Works Cited: An MLA style reference list, containing all and only the sources cited in the pa
  • Proper Formatting: Aside from the abstract in a separate page at the beginning of the paper, no cover page is needed. The first page of the paper (where the title is written) should include on the upper left corner, your full name, the coure name, the instructor’s name and the date. Write the title of the paper on the following line in regular text. Start your text in the next line after the title. The header should be in the upper right corner and should include both your family name and the page number.



Mapping of the Assignment onto the SLOs and the PLSLOS

The assignment fulfills all SLOs as well as four out of the six PSLOs, namely PSLOs 1, 2, 3 and 4.b., as detailed in the tables below:

  • Student Learning Outcomes


SLO 1 Demonstrate ability to write and revise effective and persuasive communication for various purposes and audiences through various course writing assignments
SLO 2 Demonstrate ability to apply critical reading strategies that are appropriate to advanced reading in their academic discipline and future workplaces through various course writing assignments
SLO 3 Demonstrate an understanding of how knowledge is constructed in their academic disciplines and future workplaces through various course writing assignments          
SLO 4 Demonstrate ability to analyze rhetorical situations (audience, purpose, and context) of texts produced in their academic disciplines and future workplaces through various course writing assignments
SLO 5 Produce writing, including arguments and proposals, that is appropriate for a range of rhetorical situations with particular attention to textual features such as common genres; organizational strategies; style, tone and diction; and expected citation formats


  • Program’s Student Learning Outcomes
General Education Competencies Student Learning Outcomes
1. Communication and Information Literacy 1. a. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills
1.  b. Identify appropriate investigative methods, while designing and implementing research strategies.
2. Critical and Ethical Thinking 2. a. Demonstrate critical, analytical thinking in decision making and problem solving
2. b. Explain how ethical perspectives are applied to real-world problems.
3. Creative and Aesthetic Expression 3. a. Describe the diverse nature, meanings and functions of creative endeavors through the study of literature, film or the visual arts.
4. Inter-Cultural and Global Citizenship 4. a. Describe the contributions that people of diverse backgrounds bring to a multicultural world.

4.b. Explain cultural topics and issues in relation to history, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.

5. Natural Sciences 5.a. Demonstrate knowledge of scientific methods used to explore natural phenomena.

5.b. Apply scientific concepts and models to at least one of the natural sciences.

6. Quantitative and IT Literacy 6.a. Solve quantitative problems.

6.b. Construct proofs supported by quantitative evidence.

6.c. Communicate arguments and solve problems using a variety of formats (words, tables, graphs, and mathematical equations, as appropriate) and computer software, programming and technology.


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