Engineering Paper Help-ME 4140 Design Project

Engineering Paper Help-ME 4140 Design Project

ME 4140 Design Project
Spring 2018
Due Dates:
Friday 03/30/2018: A list of your team members, project title and a 150 word project abstract.
(5% of project grade)
Friday 04/20/2018: Final Report Due on Pilot
This project will be completed in teams of 4.
Think of something that you have come across in your life that has failed because of a
mechanical design concept (complex multi-axial loading, a curved beam, buckling, deflection or
pressure.) It can be from your daily life, or something more industrial from a co-op or
Part 1: Analyze the component and prove why the failure occurred at that location using
reasonably estimated loadings and geometry. Include a mechanical drawing of the original
Part 2: Now, as a design engineer, you get to redesign the component to make it better. You
must have a clear problem statement and proposed redesign strategy.
Discuss the economic, ethical, materials and manufacturing considerations that influence your
All projects must discuss statistical concerns and static failure theories.
Up to 5% extra credit will be given for discussion of fatigue.
Final Report Format:
Title: At the top of the first page with group member’s names and date below.
Abstract: Single paragraph (200 words) briefly summarizing the problem, solution
procedure/redesign strategy and conclusions.
Introduction: Detailed problem description, background information (including relevant
literature review) and brief description of the proposed solution strategy.
Body: One or more sections detailing the analyses of both the original and redesigned
configurations, as well as discussions of economic, ethical, material, manufacturing and other
design considerations. The details of the mechanical analysis should be included in the
Appendix (handwritten calculations). The relevant governing equations should be included in
the body of the report and numbered sequentially. Figures should be inserted where
Conclusions: Were you able to successfully redesign the component? Briefly restate the
problem and the approach that you used to solve it. Provide an evaluation of your redesign.
Also provide recommendations for future work which may lead to an even more robust design.
References: Include all references including the course textbook.
Grading Rubric:
Proposed Abstract: (Due 03/30/2018) (5 points)
Final Report: Due (04/20/2018)
Title, Team Members, and Final Abstract: (5 points)
Introduction: Problem statement and redesign strategy (5 pts)
Mechanical drawings of original and redesigned configurations (10 pts)
Mechanical analysis of original and redesigned configurations (15 pts)
Statistical concerns and static failure theories. (10 pts)
Economic, ethical, material and manufacturing design considerations. (10 points)
Conclusions and recommendations (10 pts)
References: (5 points)
Detailed hand calculations (15 points)
Overall quality of report (10 pts)

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