Employee Retention Management-A Critical Literature Review

Assessment 1

For your assignment, you are required to write a ‘critical’ literature review on the given topic below. The topic falls under HRM and the articles are only starting points. 


Please write a literature review of 1500 words:


Employee Retention Management


These are some references that help you: –


James, L. and Mathew, L. (2012) Employee Retention Strategies: IT Industry. SCMS Journal of Indian Management. 19 (3), pp. 79-87.


Kim, S. (2012) The Impact of Human Resource Management on State Government IT Employee Turnover Intentions. Public Personnel Management. 41 (2), pp. 257-279.


Yamamoto, H. (2011) The Relationship Between Employee Benefit Management and Employee Retention.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 22 (17), pp. 3550 – 3564.


Possible structure:

There is no, single ‘right way’ or writing your review. However, you may find it helpful to follow this structure:

A brief introduction, saying what the focus of your essay is and how you are going to develop it in the paper:

A main part: (you might find it useful to refer to the lecture slides to help you organise your ideas for this section)

Conclusion: A brief summary of the points you have made throughout your paper and your overall assessment of the article.

Additional notes:

  • This assignment has to be in an essay format which should not exceed (10% +/-) 1500 words.
  • You must demonstrate at least 45 relevant references from the academic peer reviewed articles in your ‘references section’. Your references should not be older than 2000.


  • You must demonstrate clear understanding of the chosen topic and provide a good critical review of the topic. In doing so, you have to give evidence of relevant theories OR models which authors have used while explaining the chosen concept and in the discussion you must demonstrate good and bad points of the model (this make it critical!).



Marking scheme:

A: 14-16: An excellent paper that demonstrates a thorough understanding of different research approaches and their relevance for practitioner managers involved in influencing day to day policy and practices. Your paper is very well structured, each themes is developed carefully, drawing on theory and applying it convincingly to the realities of the workplace.

B: 11-13: A very good paper. You have clearly identified the different approaches to research and also clearly presented their strengths and limitations. You show good understanding of how they might be relevant in practice.

C: 8-10: A promising paper. Your paper demonstrates some understanding of research methods and you can see how they might have some relevance to working managers. Your arguments may not be entirely clear. You have perhaps had some difficulties in understanding these different research approaches fully and your analysis may be more descriptive and lack precision.

D: 5-7: A rather weak paper but with some potential: Your paper makes some good points and shows some understanding of research methods and their relevance for managers but also some misunderstandings and lack of clarity. You may have relied on reproducing large ‘chunks ‘of quotations form books or article, or it may be the reverse; drawing on very little theory at all. The theories you do draw on may not be well understood. Your written English may be confusing in places.

E: 4: Your paper does not demonstrate understanding of research methods no of their relevance for managers. You may have relied very heavily on reproducing ‘chunks’ to text. These might not always be properly referenced. Your written English may be hard to follow.

F: 2: An extremely poor paper demonstrating very limited understanding of research methods.


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