Elaborate and discuss Biological- hormone exposure as a fetus, evolutionary needs

Elaborate and discuss Biological- hormone exposure as a fetus, evolutionary needs

Racial Identity

Implicit Association Test- measures reaction time and accuracy

Black Faces + Negative words, White Faces + Positive Words

White Faces + Negative words, Black Faces + Positive Words

Children of every race display racial bias against non-white people

Don’t necessarily have lower self-esteem

Gender Identity

Girls tend to be rewarded for pleasing personalities

Boys tend to be rewarded for curiosity and intellectual achievement

Play tends to be segregated

Inflexible views of gender performance

Perspectives on Gender Roles

Biological- hormone exposure as a fetus, evolutionary needs?

Psychoanalytic- do you remember?

Perspectives on Gender Roles

Biological- hormone exposure as a fetus, evolutionary needs?


Boys: identify with father after castration anxiety and Oedipus Conflict

Girls: identify with mothers to resolve penis envy and Electra Conflict

Perspectives on Gender

Social Learning- we mimic what we see from social environment and media

Cognitive- develop gender schema, certain behaviors assimilated or accommodated into that schema

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