in this marketing issertation, I’m basically measuring how the dynamism of a logo impacts investor decisions on crowdfunding platforms. The dynamism of a logo is basically if the logo seems like it’s in motion (for eg. Puma/Jaguar).
Introduction (800 words) – 1) importance and relevance of crowdfunding platforms, 2) an example that stresses on the relevance of my work for entrepreneurs and/or crowdfunders, 3) prior research shows that xyz factors affect investor decisions
however research also shows that we have neglected how visual cues impact decision making in investors, 4) what I’m doing and why it is theoretically and managerially important (why academics, managers and entrepreneurs should care about my work), anything else that you believe is relevant
Methodology (1000 words) – I’m conducting primary research in two main ways, one is by sending out surveys and carrying out an AB test where the campaign is the same, only the logo is dynamic and non-dynamic and I’m putting it up on crowdfunding investor groups on linkdin and facebook. Second, is by creating a dataset of different campaigns from different crowdfunding platforms (seedrs and crowdcube mainly) that have been completed and running a simple regression on SPSS to find out which factors are most influential. The data will be mainly quantitative.