EFFECTS OF COMMON CURRENCY TO THE POLITICA AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OF EAST ASIA-My topic is the impact of a common currency on the political and economic affairs of East Asia. I was interested by the chapter due to the continued exploitation experienced by the members of the public by the different financial institution used to convert currency thus leading to poverty and an influence to the economy of the countries

Proposal for the Final Paper




My topic is the impact of a common currency on the political and economic affairs of East Asia. I was interested by the chapter due to the continued exploitation experienced by the members of the public by the different financial institution used to convert currency thus leading to poverty and an influence to the economy of the countries. The topic would help me in the establishment of the different problems brought by the currencies used by the East Asians. I have carried out a series of researches on the topic which have made it possible to identify both the long and short term effects to the citizens when a continued use of the different currencies is encouraged by the government. My argument concerning the common currency is that the government should come up with a common currency like the Euro as it reduced the costs incurred by the people during the conversion process. To support this, different mechanisms should be identified to ensure that the East Asia’s currency is made common as ths will help in the development of the region. (Hall, 2018)

East Asia should make use of a common currency as a unifying factor of the people. The introduction of Euro in the countries would help in bringing the members of the public together thus bringing about economic and political stability in East Asia as the people will live in harmony as they coexist amongst themselves. Due to the establishment of a single currency in East Asia, the zones occupied by the countries will be expanded thus bringing developments close to the people.

When a single currency is introduced to East Asians, the cost incurred by the members of the public to convert currencies are eliminated thus the amount can be used to carry out different project. The cost will be eliminated for the firms and individuals within the East Asia region thus stabilizing their production rates. Again, the price transparency is increased as it is hard for different organizations to compare different currencies therefore people are violated as financial institution make efforts to compare the currencies. When a common currency is introduced to the East Asia region, the comparison of prices by the organization is made straightforward thus different costs are cut and hence the cheapest products are bought at relatively low prices. (Ali, 2018)

Moreover, a single currency brings out an increased competition and efficiency in the manner a number of activities are carried out. The competition brought by the currency occurs due to the greater transparency in the prices of the commodities in the market. As a result, organizations are subjected to a fair competition as the operations are made efficient. As far as the economic political affairs of East Asia are concerned, increased inward investments are encouraged as a single market is developed as Euros make it easy for the people to save more of their lost currencies during the exchanges. All these things will come together for the purposes of increasing the people’s inward investment in the East Asia region. (Hall, 2018)

Despite the fact that the worldwide group makes utilization of the euro for a few different reasons the use of this cash in the worldwide money related market is the main thrust behind its internationalization. Specifically, the appearance of the euro is accelerating the procedure of incorporation and development in the euro region residential budgetary market, which may thusly impact its universal utilize. This implies the euro has not just supplanted the different national divisions inside the given market structure. Its presentation may decide a move of administration in money related markets, which would suggest that market members may on a very basic level change their systems accordingly. Albeit just an exceptionally preparatory appraisal is conceivable at this stage, figures right now accessible on the universal utilization of the euro as a venture and financing money appear to affirm this impression. Notwithstanding, issues in euro have been becoming persistently finished the entire year, so different components are likewise prone to have assumed a part. (Ali, 2018)

As I would like to think, one of these components might be showcase desires concerning the future advancement of the local euro region monetary markets. The presentation of the euro, truth be told, includes a procedure of joining of national money related markets of the euro zone into a zone wide single market, the size and liquidity of which will surpass that of the constituent markets. This suggests a decrease in exchange costs and more prominent decision of money related instruments, which make the euro alluring as a vehicle for portfolio broadening. A high-minded circle may along these lines create – the expanding global utilization of the euro as a venture and financing cash may criticism into the profundity and broadness of Europe’s residential money related markets, hence promising further rebuilding of the euro territory budgetary framework. (Hall, 2018)

The cash emergency has joined with the impacts of dry season to deliver fast swelling, particularly in the cost of sustenance and different fundamentals, and an extraordinary increment in joblessness and underemployment. The arrival of neediness for some Indonesians and the conclusion to brief fortune for others has smashed the desires, made by the monetary accomplishments of the New Order administration, which the nations was on the way to proceeded with development and thriving.

The New Order administration constructs its authenticity in light of an ability to acquire managed upgrades the way of life of the mass of Indonesians and to meet the yearnings of an extending center and common laborers. (Ekbladh, 2018) The clear end to this achievement will have grave ramifications for the political soundness of the Indonesian state. The emergency has been a mental hit to certainty that Indonesia had at long last conquered its long history of monetary and political unsteadiness and was determined to a long haul way to success.

• People never again need to change cash when voyaging or working together inside the euro zone, sparing time and exchange costs.

• It costs substantially less (or nothing by any means) to make cross-fringe installments.

• Consumers and organizations can look at costs all the more effectively, which empowers organizations charging higher costs to cut them down.

Being in a territory which Euro is utilized ensures stable costs. It likewise deals with a bit of the euro regions outside trade saves and can mediate in remote trade markets to impact the swapping scale of the euro. The consolidated size and quality of the euro territory additionally makes a more grounded and more steady money that is better ready to shield its individuals from outer stuns and cash showcase turbulence, than singular nations alone could accomplish. (Börzel, 2018)


Börzel, Tanja A., and Thomas Risse. “From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics.” Journal of European Public Policy 25, no. 1 (2018): 83-108.

Hall, Michael G. Exchange rate crises in developing countries: the political role of the banking sector. Routledge, 2018.

Hall, Peter A. “Varieties of capitalism in light of the euro crisis.” Journal of European Public Policy 25, no. 1 (2018): 7-30.

Ekbladh, David. “Depression Development: The Interwar Origins of a Global US Modernization Agenda.” In Internationalism, Imperialism and the Formation of the Contemporary World, pp. 147-163. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018.

Ali, Najaf, and Ye Mingque. “Role of Institutions in Affecting the Course of International Trade in Pakistan.” American Journal of Economics 8, no. 1 (2018): 18-22.


The idea of a common currency is NOT practical although it is a great idea. Let’s talk. But Do not “EAT Asia”

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