effective leadership (traits and skills, behaviors, influence processes, situational variables)

Leadership Essay

Answer the following questions:

1. What are some points of convergence in the four major lines of research on effective leadership (traits and skills, behaviors, influence processes, situational variables)?

2. What are some of the most important findings about effective leadership in organizations?

3. Which leadership theories do you think apply to yourself? If you were studying your own leadership style, which line of research would you pursue?

4. What improvements could be made in the way leadership is studied? If you were asked to identify the 10 most essential functions of leadership, what would be on your list (which may differ from the list suggested by the author)?

Write a 4 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page). Locate

two contemporary (2013 or more recent) journal articles in the LIRN that apply to the leadership

theories in this case. Answer all the questions below. The paper must have a total of 3 scholarly

resources including the text book.

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