Effective communication with Public during a Mass Casualty

The final project will synthesize the information from the course and focus on a problem you have identified in your community (or community of your choice) through your preceding assignments. The Final Project should meet the following parameters:
Final Project should be at least 15 APA-formatted and referenced pages-long, including title page and references.
You must submit your Final Project as any other Written Assignment in the course to Turn It through Week 8 Assignments.
You can use the  EDMG540 (Research Methods) Template
Final Project without a satisfactory Turn It In Similarity Index (in the blue or green, or around 23 percent of lower) will not be accepted for grading.
You can submit your Final Project to Turn It In through Week 8 Assignments multiple times. I will count your latest Final Project Turn It submission as your final submission.
DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR FINAL PROJECT TO YOUR PERSONAL TURN IT IN account or through someone else’s account before you submit it under Week 8 Assignments.
Submitting YOUR FINAL PROJECT TO YOUR PERSONAL TURN IT IN ACCOUNT or using someone else’s Turn It In account, will render your actual Week 8 submission ineligible for grading because it will generate 100 percent similarity (plagiarism) once it is (re)submitted under Week 8 Assignments.

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