EDU 110 Best Custom Essay Writing-Critically examine an educational psychology issue that is personally relevant

EDU 110 ____ This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to
critically examine an educational psychology issue that is personally relevant. See below for relevant questions.

Potential Topics:

1.Is there another area of educational psychology that interests you? Feel free to pick another topic,
but just make sure to first touch base with the instructor
2. There are two conflicting arguments on the role of motivation in the classroom:
a. Take care of learning, and motivation will take care of itself
b. Take care of motivation, and learning will take care of itself
To what extent do you support one or both of these arguments? In order to answer this question,
please make sure to discuss: (1) Three different explanations of motivation (for example:
attributions, self-efficacy, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation) and; (2) how these explanations for
motivation may affect learning within your particular content area and developmental group.
3. There has been a long-time and on-going debate about the relative value of teaching students
content (e.g., concepts) versus processes (e.g., self-regulation, critical thinking, problem solving,
metacognitive skills, etc). Which should schools emphasize more? Why? What do you think will
be most important for your particular developmental group and content area?

4. Some have suggested schools’ concern for children’s moral development and their self-esteem is
misplaced, and the business of the school is to teach knowledge and cognitive skills. What is
your position regarding this issue? Explain.
5. A fundamental goal in the field of educational psychology is to identify how theories can inform
pedagogy. How does the field of educational psychology inform your particular domain and/or
developmental level? In order to answer this question, please reference at least two theories
(cognitive theories and/or motivational theories). For example, you could discuss the
implications of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory for effective pedagogy in teaching music. This
approach would call for a discussion on the role of scaffolding and fading in teaching music.
6. How can intelligence theories be used in academic settings? In order to examine this broad issue,
consider the following case study and answer the below questions in your paper:
Gavin has more trouble in school than many of his peers, particularly with word problems in math
and other areas that are not tangible. In spite of his high motivation, he still struggles, and new
situations and problems “throw him” more than they do his classmates. In order to succeed, he needs
a lot of practice, and his approach is somewhat more “mechanical” than that of his peers. He
“I need to be able to ‘see it’ to understand it. Some of these ideas are just too abstract for me.
Who cares what caused Columbus to want to go to the Far East? I can get it though, if I get
enough practice.”
When he gets frustrated, he retreats to his room where he plays guitar; he has even done some of his
own arrangements. Gavin is very skilled at working with people, and some of his peers turn to him
as an arbitrator when clashes occur in club and other organizational meetings.
• Consider Gavin’s intelligence based on Oakes and Lipton. Assess Gavin’s intelligence on this
basis. Explain.
• Consider Gavin’s intelligence according to another theory such as; Gardner’s or Sternberg’s
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. Assess Gavin’s intelligence on this basis. Explain.
• In your opinion, which theory of theory of intelligence (Oakes & Lipton or the other theory) has
more educational validity? In other words, which theory do you believe is more effective in
explaining intelligence?
________________________________________________________________________________________ What are my tasks for this assignment?
(1) Identify an Educational Psychology issue that is personally relevant
a. The second page provides potential topics
b. You may also choose another topic or modify one provided on the second page (Make sure to
first check with me)
(2) Locate at least two additional resources in addition to the text and class discussions (i.e.
website, empirical articles, books).
a. It is expected that you reference these sources both in the text and in a “Reference” section. See
page three for APA reference style (page 3). (3) Write a paper that includes the following sections:
a. Explain your issue in a manner that demonstrates understanding of the key components
b. Articulate your view on the issue
c. Provide a justification of your view through appropriate evidence (theory and opinion)


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