Economics Assignment Help: Econ 101 Principles of Microeconomics

Economics Assignment Help: Econ 101 Principles of Microeconomics
Econ 101: Principles of Microeconomics
Chapter 10
Due date: Wed., 18 April at 11:30 p.m.
Write an article composed of introduction, a body with three paragraphs and a
conclusion. The introduction should introduce the main ideas in the box (Box 6.2 The
effects of changing technology on page 137), (Box 6.6 Declining industries on page 139)
and the case (2. Copper on page 145).
The first paragraph of the body should discuss the main idea of (Box 6.2 The effects of
changing technology on page 137). The second paragraph of the body should discuss the
main idea of (Box 6.6 Declining industries on page 139) while the third paragraph of the
body should discuss the main idea of the case (2. Copper on page 145).
Finally, the conclusion should summarize your opinions about the ideas you discussed in
the body.
Your article should not include Graphs, numbers and/or equations. Also, you should use
the writing practices you learned in the English courses at KFUPM.
Solve problems 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 on pages 148-149.
General guidelines for assignments:
 Show your complete work.
 Incomplete assignments will not be graded.
 All assignments will be scrutinized by; hence, assignments that are
submitted by E-mail will not be graded.
 If you copy from the solution manual; you will not be able to set for the final exam as
you will get F grade.
 When you are asked to watch a video or read a handout; you should skip and/or ignore
all materials that are culturally not acceptable.

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