PART I (32 marks)
Your answer will be assessed on how well you
 Problem solving: Apply theoretical understanding of microeconomics to real life
economic problems
 Knowledge and understanding: Recognise how principles of microeconomics are
relevant in understanding decision-making by individuals, business and government
 Ethics: Demonstrate ability to evaluate economic theory and real world applications
in the context of ethical considerations
 Communicate your ideas in written expressions and diagrams and provide a logical
and cohesive answer
PART II (12 marks)
Your answer will be assessed on how well you
 Problem solving: Apply theoretical understanding of microeconomics to real life
economic problems
 Knowledge and understanding: Recognise how principles of microeconomics are
relevant in understanding decision-making by individuals, business and government
 Communicate your ideas in written expressions and diagrams and provide a logical
and cohesive answer
PART III (36 marks)
Your answer will be assessed on how well you
 Problem solving: Apply theoretical understanding of microeconomics to real life
economic problems
 Knowledge and understanding: Recognise how principles of microeconomics are
relevant in understanding decision-making by individuals, business and government
 Ethics: Demonstrate ability to evaluate economic theory and real world applications
in the context of ethical considerations
 Communicate your ideas in written expressions and diagrams and provide a logical
and cohesive answer

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