Should the drinking age be lowered to 18

Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered?

My issue with lowering the drinking age is simple it shouldn’t be lowered matter of fact it should be higher. I believe they should have more security guards around places that sell alcoholic beverages, and they should be even stricter on who they allow to buy theses beverages. Why? Because not only are the young adults getting their hands on these alcoholic beverages, but some how they are also being provided to middle and high school students. We as their older generation should take a stand not because we don’t want them to have fun, but because we care about our younger generation.

We should try to protect our youth they are not mature enough to handle the excitement that comes along with drinking. I can truly say that if we lower the drinking age then the world could only image the catastrophes that we are going to endure. I believe that we should hear more about students graduating then having funerals. The legal age for drinking now is 21 years old and yet we have experienced more underage drinking fatalities than anything else, so let’s not bury our children lets protect them by making the age to drink higher.



  • Allowing 18- to 20-year-olds to drink alcohol in regulated environments with supervision would decrease unsafe drinking activity.


  1. What’s interesting or helpful about this view?

The most interesting thing is they believe that it will decrease unsafe drinking activities.

  1. What would I notice if I believed this view?

I would notice that more young adults drinking in bars and restaurants

  1. In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?”

This Idea might be true under the condition that the young adults knew how to control their self while being under the influence.


  • There are fewer drunk driving traffic accidents and fatalities in many countries with MLDA of 18.
  1. What’s interesting or helpful about this view?

What’s interesting is that statistics is trying to compare the 1980s to the 2000 century people then were extremely different then now.

  1. What would I notice if I believed this view?

I would notice more maturity from the young adults that would understand drinking and driving is against the law. I would also notice less fatal accidents and more graduates.

  1. In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?”

This would be considered true if this was the 1980s


  • Drinking alcohol is an enjoyable activity.


  1. What’s interesting or helpful about this view?

The most interesting part about this view is that they think we as people are trying to prevent 18-20-year old’s from enjoying the activity of drinking.

  1. What would I notice if I believed this view?

I would probably notice more parties or more young adults at bars having fun

  1. In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?”

This whole statement is true drinking is an enjoyable activity especially when you know when and where to enjoy it.

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