Do My Assignment-As a Saudi student how do you evaluate your experience with the international student office?

1-As a Saudi student how do you evaluate your experience with the international student office?

2-As a Saudi students which kind of services or events did support you to introduce your culture?


International office event are:

Saudi international day

Taste of Saudi

Global students meeting

3-Did you face some difficulties understanding your religion perspectives at saint louis university?

4.Does the international student office inform new Saudi students about the campus facilitations related to their religious and cultural activities?

Hint: orientation

The Experiences of Saudi Students at Saint Louis University

Research Question

“How does the International student’s office support Graduate Saudi students in presenting their cultural background?”

Points To Consider

Perception of the Research Question Before Creating the Concept Map

Using a concept map for research was a first-time experience for many participants. Students oted that initially their research questions were vague yet became clearer. Many found the mapping process interesting.


Lessons Learned as a New Researcher by Creating the Concept Map

Students learned that the concept map assisted them in organizing their thoughts as researchers and as a study aid. The map also contributed to their increased confidence and knowledge of research as well as applying it to their specific topics. They further believed that the map assisted in planning their research and preparing for the future writing process.

Perception of the Research Question After Creating the Concept Map

The process of using the concept map allowed participants to identify missing elements of the research process. Using the concept map resulted in their having a clear plan to organize their research and developed their research questions. Students believed the concept map was helpful and useful, as it offered a visual map of their research goals and clarified their ideas. Some student noted that the process resulted in new research related discoveries.

Priorities While Doing the Concept Map

Priorities while developing the concept map included capturing details and main points of the research process. Some students considered delving deeper in the research as a priority, while others were concerned about getting sidetracked and staying on topic. Some individuals focused in depth, while others focused on the broad overview of their research when approaching the concept map.

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