Dissertation Writers:What is a reasonable expectation for percentage strength gains following a six-month resistance training program?

Dissertation Writers:What is a reasonable expectation for percentage strength gains following a six-month resistance training program?

Food & Gender, Ethnicity, & SES

Gender roles include tasks and identities related to food. What are the most common food-related tasks considered masculine in US culture? What are the most common food related tasks considered feminine in US culture? Which tasks are the prestige tasks and which are the routine, thankless tasks?

Initial responses should be no less than 200 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook). APA format, Peer reviewed articles.

Strength gains

What is a reasonable expectation for percentage strength gains following a six-month resistance training program? How do these percentage gains differ by age, sex, and previous resistance training exercise?

Initial responses should be no less than 250 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook). APA format, Peer reviewed articles.

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