Dissertation Writers: Write a brief description of the differential diagnosis rationale, considering at least three separate diagnoses
Assignment 2: Differential Case Diagnosis
This assignment provides you with the opportunity to further advance your diagnostic skills and draw upon the case diagnosis skills you’ve utilized in course assignments and your course project. In this assignment, complete the following tasks:
•Select an appropriate case study example from the Argosy University Online Library. There are several sources within the library that can provide you with the appropriate resource to complete this assignment. Please see your instructor if you have any questions about a particular resource.
•Complete the intake assessment form from the data described in the study.
•Write a brief description of the differential diagnosis rationale, considering at least three separate diagnoses. By the due date assigned, submit your intake assessment form to the Discussion Area.
Click here to download the template for writing your diagnoses rationale and final diagnosis using the criteria set forth by the DSM. Create a three- to four-page differential diagnoses rationale and final diagnosis paper, using the criteria set forth by the DSM, in Microsoft Word document format. Name your file SP6005_M6_A2_lastname_firstinitial.doc.
Post it to the Discussion Area, through the end of the module. Through the end of the module, use the Discussion Area to review and respond to the submissions of at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking questions, providing or asking for statements of clarification, and drawing conclusions. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Thoroughly presented data from the case on the intake assessment form.
12 Described the differential diagnosis rationale, proposing at least three separate diagnoses.
12 Participated in the discussion by asking questions, providing or asking for statements of clarification, making suggestions, and drawing conclusions.
8 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.