Dissertation Writers: Who will provide updates and corrections to the system? 

Dissertation Writers: Who will provide updates and corrections to the system?

  1.  Maintenance
    1. Who will provide updates and corrections to the system?
    2. How will that be done?

    GROUP 3:  Select one of the 7 implementation considerations (preferably different from others previously chosen, but this is not required) and:

  2. Put the title of your Implementation Consideration in the Subject line of your posting.
  3. Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) to explain whether you are recommending an on premise implementation or a cloud-based implementation of the ChiroTouch system at the chiropractic practice, and explain your recommendation.
  4. Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) to respond to each of the questions listed for your Implementation Consideration and what needs to be considered for the implementation of the ChiroTouch system at the chiropractic practice.
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