Dissertation Writers: What trends in global, national, regional, or local attitude (pro and con) are there towards business?

Dissertation Writers: What trends in global, national, regional, or local attitude (pro and con) are there towards business?

What legal trends/government regulations) are there child and dependent care benefits/medical/disability, family/medical leave, anti-discrimination, wage and working hours, etc.? What impact would they have on HRM and what best practices for HRM in dealing with these economic forces? Political Assess at least two major political trends that are likely to affect SEIIC. What trends in global, national, regional, or local attitude (pro and con) are there towards business? Political trends include attitudes about tax on corporations and workers, attitudes about minimum wage/benefits, and specific or general industry (pollution, green, etc.). What trends are developing with changes in the democratic/republican controlled White House or Congress and how might this impact HRM? What impact would they have on HRM and what best practices for HRM in dealing with these economic forces? Social Assess at least two major social trends that are likely to affect SEIIC. Social trends include social media/technology, social networking, etc. Also, trends in attitudes and influences from minority or majority groups.  Consider corporate social responsibility. Consider trends in recruiting and trends in any societal issues: changing demographics/psychographics, employee rights, work-life balance/family, baby boomers leaving the workforce, Genx/y entering the workforce. What impact would they have on HRM and what best practices for HRM in dealing with these economic forces?

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