Dissertation Writers: What statics was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs?

Dissertation Writers: What statics was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs?

What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral density(BMD) for the study participants?Discuss the quality of this measurement method and document your response.


What statics was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs?Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?


The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups(see Table 2).Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of the study?Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the therapeutic lifestyle modification(TLM)program?


Oh ET AL.(2014,P.296)stared that adherence rate to the TLM program was 99.6%.Discuss the importance of intervention adherence,and document your response.


Was the sample for this study adequately described?


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