Dissertation Writers: What prevailing socio-cultural factors that impacted your family

Dissertation Writers: What prevailing socio-cultural factors that impacted your family


Write a 5 to 7-page research paper in APA format that describes your own lifespan development. Focus on influences that you believe impacted your life, both positive and negative. In this paper you are to (1) demonstrate your knowledge of human development by synthesizing and integrating theories of development and learning with events and influences in your life, (2) specify a developmental issue/task for each life stage as defined by the developmental theory you choose, (3) develop a plan for the future of how you might expect to cope with future life stages. (4) discuss how your life experiences inform how you will approach your work with future clients. (5) Include a short wellness plan to help you prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. Please cite at least 5 references. The references must be peer-reviewed journals or professional books. Please use APA style when formatting your paper. I will hold these papers in confidence. Below are a few items to consider while writing your paper about each stage. Not all of the items below will apply to you.

a. What was happening in your family, your community?

b. How might these occurrences have affected your family members?

c. What prevailing socio-cultural factors that impacted your family’  (and your own):

i. Identity development

ii. Gender expectations


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