Dissertation Writers: What is the identity of the third party?

Dissertation Writers: What is the identity of the third party?

What, if any, role was played by third parties in resolving this bargaining dispute? What is the identity of the third party?

Write a paper that has:

Discussed the role, if any, played by third parties in resolving this dispute and identified the third party.  Reader can easily follow the author’s logic and flow.

Discussed, although not comprehensively, the role, if any, played by third parties in resolving this dispute and identified the third party. While overall well-organized, at times the writing forces the reader to determine the author’s train of thought.

Discussed the role, if any, played by third parties in resolving this dispute; however, did not identify a third party.  Consistent organization is lacking causing the reader to have difficulty in following the author’s train of thought.

discuss the role, if any, played by third parties in resolving this dispute and didn’t discuss or identify a third party.

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