Dissertation Writers:       What extracurricular activities or organizations might you be able to be involved with to help bridge this gap, even when you are not “on duty”?

Dissertation Writers:       What extracurricular activities or organizations might you be able to be involved with to help bridge this gap, even when you are not “on duty”?

1) Select either community-based sanctions (probation, parole, post-release supervision, etc.) or institutional corrections (i.e., jails, prisons). Identify a policy or practice issue pertaining to your choice and evaluate the ethical challenges of that policy. Ensure that you use the ethical frameworks we identified in Week 1.      Is there a conflict between ethics, public safety, and organizational need?

2 )  Juveniles can be a challenging demographic to relate with as a criminal justice professional. Many juveniles, especially minorities, have either had personal       contact with the police or a negative reputation of the police passed down from previous generations.

What extracurricular activities or organizations might you be able to be involved with to help bridge this gap, even when you are not “on duty”?

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