Dissertation Writers: What are your conclusions about the need to balance individual choice and liberty with the needs of U.S. society as a whole?

Dissertation Writers: What are your conclusions about the need to balance individual choice and liberty with the needs of U.S. society as a whole?

The U.S. has long been seen by many around the world as a bastion of freedom and liberty. But what does this mean? How can individual choice be promoted and protected when members of society have different views of how things should be organized and how their own interests can be preserved? The interests of an individual in his or her own freedom and liberty to act must be balanced against the interests of society as a whole, and sometimes these interests collide. Societies need to have laws to promote order. The larger, more diverse, and more complex a society is, the more regulated that society must be. At the same time, people have differing opinions about what choices should be allowed on many controversial subjects, about what the government itself should be allowed to do, and about whose interests should prevail.

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