Dissertation Writers: What are the main features of Michelle’s cognitive, social, biological, and psychosocial development during two developmental periods?

Dissertation Writers: What are the main features of Michelle’s cognitive, social, biological, and psychosocial development during two developmental periods?


Client: Michelle

Age range: you decide — example early adulthood (20–40 yrs.) to middle adulthood (40–60 yrs.).

Michelle has been referred to you because she was arrested last week for possession of heroin with intent to distribute. She also tested positive for heroin and marijuana, adding to her charges. She has no history of prior treatment and is unwilling to enter treatment now, though she was court ordered.

Questions to use to guide your response:

  1. What are the main features of Michelle’s cognitive, social, biological, and psychosocial development during two developmental periods?
  2. What developmentally appropriate interventions would you propose that could be used to help Michelle to reduce her cravings?
  3. What predictions would you make for some developmental issues that might contribute to the addiction problems or prevent treatment from working?
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