Dissertation Writers: What are the global technological, cultural, political, legal, regulatory, economic, social, impact and differences or trends that might impact SEIIC and its HRM?

Dissertation Writers: What are the global technological, cultural, political, legal, regulatory, economic, social, impact and differences or trends that might impact SEIIC and its HRM?

Assess at least two major cultural trends that are likely to affect SEIIC. Consider shifts in population, tastes, language, dress, food, and other cultural trends. What trends from culture or shifts in culture are there in recruiting, hiring, training, evaluations, coaching, promoting, etc.?  This section can also be viewed from internal corporate cultures – as market and/or industry forces develop they can have an impact on corporate cultures. How would this affect SEIIC and what is HRMs role? What impact would they have on HRM and what best practices for HRM in dealing with these economic forces? Global Assess at least two major global trends that are likely to affect SEIIC. Consider the global supply and demand of talent, talent acquisition, wage and benefit in high vs low economic nations. Consider the force of global competition on a firm such as SEIIC. What are the global technological, cultural, political, legal, regulatory, economic, social, impact and differences or trends that might impact SEIIC and its HRM?  Technological Assess at least two major technological trends that are likely to affect SEIIC. How is technology developing and changing or challenging the dynamics of organizations today? What technologies are trending and requiring changes? How are these trends affected an organization like SEIIC. Consider internal trends from technology that can impact an organization, such as the use of technology to improve productivity but that may also (or not) displace workers.

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