Dissertation Writers: What are “best practices” the government could use to make sure they protect human rights?

Dissertation Writers: What are “best practices” the government could use to make sure they protect human rights?

Identify human rights that are violated or affected by this issue  What federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations relate to your policy issue?  What international human rights instruments relate to your policy issue (suggestions: International Conventions and Treaties; UPR reviews)? III. Develop a strategic action plan to address the identified issue (3 pages) You may refer to a specific text such as Hoefer in designing your plan. Hoefer, R. (2011). Advocacy Practice for Social Justice, Second Edition. Chicago: Lyceum.  Who are the key stakeholders? ● Who needs to be involved in action planning efforts to maximize change efforts (i.e., programs, practices, and policies)? ● Who is accountable and has ownership of responsibility for facilitating change? ● What is the role of local people as agents for or champions of community change and improvement? ● What roles can social workers assume in the action plan you developed? IV. Recommendations (1-2 Pages) ● Is there public awareness that these rights exist in your country/state/community? ● What are “best practices” the government could use to make sure they protect these human rights? ● Suggested Recommendations (make them clear and concise – describe how they could work): ● How can the government protect against these abuses continuing in the future? ● What steps should government take to make certain that protection is effective? ● How can the government help to increase public awareness about the existence of these rights? ● How are your recommendations linked to your theme? V. Conclusion (1 Page) Summarize the important points from above

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