Dissertation Writers: What advice would you give to a student about to begin his/her experience at the SEA

Dissertation Writers: What advice would you give to a student about to begin his/her experience at the SEA

What advice would you give to a student about to begin his/her experience at the SEA?  Why?  First, take the SEA seriously.  It is not just another training course.  The SEA is a rigorous educational experience.  Set aside time to work on your assignments.  You cannot wing it.  Get yourself an academic mentor, someone who completed the blended course.  He/she can help you understand some of the intricacies of distance-learning and the three-part communications format used by the SEA.  Set aside your ego and embrace the experience.  Do not assume you have all the answers just because you have a college degree.  Finally, network and make friends.  You never know when you might need help from a Chief on the other side of the globe.Dissertation Writers: What advice would you give to a student about to begin his/her experience at the SEA Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Why do you feel it had this effect?  The online experience was great because I was familiar with the format.  Like I said before, we felt a little bit like outsiders and that was discouraging.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

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